Subjects for a case study needed, please read

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Subjects for a case study needed, please read

Post by zaltaiz »

ABSTRACT: Case study subjects needed for an icesus-related case study / article

I am in need of study subjects for a brief case study. The case study is for an article concerning CSCW, or social groups/issues in Multi-user Dungeon games to be specific. I need some subjects for interviewing, takes max 1h of your time sometime during the next few days (or weeks, depends of how the study is progressing). I need 4-6 subjects for the study, there might be rewards included but I'm not promising anything yet.

If you are interested, MUDMAIL me and add a short introduction about yourself:
- How long you have played / how often you play
- Your level and total exp in megs
- Where you are from (country + area)
- What's your primary language + describe how fluent you are with english if it's not your mother tongue
- Do you play other muds or similar games / have you played them before you started playing icesus
- When you are most likely available (EET == server time)

From those available i will pick required case study subjects, based on pre-defined user groups. If there are several players from same groups available, i will use the icesus (tm) random generator to pick the subject :D

The full article will be available for all players when it goes through the checks (and if it doesn't suck).
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