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Post by aralus »

I was wondering, if its not against sharing of information, if someone could put all the backgrounds and their bonuses here on the forums, both primary, and secondary. I have some in my notes, but not that many. Thanks
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Post by allanon »

Note: Too lazy to give specific requirements for hobbies. Shouldn't take much work to figure out by yourself.

Background: Place of Birth

Code: Select all

Info about 'city':

The cities are diverse places, and host people of every sort. From the highest of the noble to the lowest vagabond; there are persons of all social stauses in the cities, and there are many interests and occupations to pursue.

Info about 'hut':

Small huts are either temporary shelters of vagrant people or the homes of people prefering solitude. Life in such a place means hard work, but also a better chance to develop a good health. No people of any higher social status would live in a hut, though.

The most visible effects on your character:
   o Greatly increased maximum constitution.

Info about 'large village':

It can be hard to draw a line as to what is a city and what a large village. The larger villages offer almost everything that the cities do. Still, those of the highest social statuses prefer to remain exclusively in cities.

Info about 'small village':

The smaller villages are peaceful places, although the people there must work harder to make a living. On the other hand, children born here have a slightly better chance of growing healthier than others. Those of high social status, especially nobles, would not be seen living in places like this, though.

The most visible effects on your character:
   o Increased maximum constitution.
Background: Family status

Code: Select all

Info about 'artisan':

Your family earns its living by skill of hand rather than hard work. This environment will give you great potential to develop your dexterity, while also giving you the chance to grow wise.

The most visible effects on your character:
   o Constitution gives more health.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum dexterity.
   o Greatly increased maximum strength.
   o Greatly increased maximum wisdom.
   o Wisdom gives somewhat more spell points.

Info about 'high-noble':

As a member of a family of high nobility, you grow accustomed to being served upon and not having to exert yourself physically. Instead you have great potential to develop yourself intellectually and to learn to utilize that intellect.

The most visible effects on your character:
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum intelligence.
   o Intelligence gives much more spell points.
   o Severely lowered maximum constitution.
   o Severely lowered maximum strength.

Info about 'labourer':

The labourers are the backbone of the society, working hard to perform the tasks necessary for it to run. Labourers are seldom known as people of great intellect, but they are the strongest and healthiest people around.

The most visible effects on your character:
   o Constitution gives much more health.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum constitution.
   o Greatly increased maximum strength.
   o Severely lowered maximum intelligence.

Info about 'noble':

Although not of the very highest nobility, early life in your family will give you a chance to develop you a sharper intellect than most, while your physical appearance might not become as impressive. Not having the narrowminded attitude of a high-noble, you can also strive to become known as wise.

The most visible effects on your character:
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum intelligence.
   o Increased maximum wisdom.
   o Intelligence gives more spell points.
   o Severely lowered maximum constitution.
   o Wisdom gives somewhat more spell points.

Info about 'upper-class':

Although not of noble blood, your family still does not have to work for its living as hard as other less fortunate do. Physically you will probably become about average, while you have great potentiality to develop mentally, especially your wisdom.

The most visible effects on your character:
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum wisdom.
   o Increased maximum intelligence.
   o Intelligence gives somewhat more spell points.
   o Wisdom gives more spell points.

Info about 'vagrant':

Having no fixed place in society, your family travels the world with little more possessions than the clothes they wear. This life makes you grow both strong and healthy, developing all your physical aspects. Your mental capabilities will probably not be the stuff of legends, though.

The most visible effects on your character:
   o Constitution gives more health.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum constitution.
   o Greatly increased maximum dexterity.
   o Greatly increased maximum strength.
   o Severely lowered maximum intelligence.
   o Severely lowered maximum wisdom.
Background: Hobbies
Remember that you can pick one or two.

Code: Select all

Info about 'drifting':

Some might call you lazy, but you are just unable to focus on anything for a longer period of time. Still, just drifting around, you develop yourself slightly in many respects.

The most visible effects on your character:
   o Increased constitution
   o Increased dexterity
   o Increased maximum endurance points.
   o Increased maximum hit points.
   o Increased maximum spell points.
   o Increased wisdom

Info about 'reading':

In a world filled with many different races and places, there is plenty of literature to read. Most of it concerns either the art of magic or the elements and their gods, though, which suits you fine. Admiring the powers of mages and priests, you diligently study the books you find.

<pick arcane arts, divinities, or the world>

Info about 'arcane arts'&#58;

Books about the new art of magic are plentiful and offer much to study. Trying to comprehend the convoluted formulas and chants challenges your intellect, and your studies make it easier for you to regenerate your magic powers.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Increased intelligence
   o Increased maximum spell points.
   o Increased spell point regeneration.

Info about 'divinities'&#58;

Much has been written about the five elemental Gods, now only four. Studying their ways and teachings makes you capable of handling their power easier, increasing the speed at which your magic power regenerate. You will also likely be wiser than many others.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Increased maximum spell points.
   o Increased spell point regeneration.
   o Increased wisdom

Info about 'the world'&#58;

Not limiting yourself, you study books of all kinds. Although not gaining as much as those limiting their studies, you still become wise and intelligent and more capable of handling the magic powers.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Increased intelligence
   o Increased maximum spell points.
   o Increased spell point regeneration.
   o Increased wisdom

Info about 'training'&#58;

Having already decided to one day to make your name widely known as a adventurer, it might be a good idea to train yourself and improve your physique and skills.

<pick body or weapons>

Info about 'body'&#58;

The best weapons and wisdom are no good if your body is frail as a leaf. Long hours of training your body pay off in the end, as you become both stronger and healthier. Also, you notice with satisfaction that you recover from your wounds quicker than many others, and they tire more quickly than you.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Increased constitution
   o Increased endurance point regeneration.
   o Increased hit point regeneration.
   o Increased maximum endurance points.
   o Increased maximum hit points.
   o Increased strength

Info about 'weapons'&#58;

After long begging one of the old veterans to teach you how to use weapons, he finally takes you on as a student. The training is hard enough to make you wonder if you made a wise choice, but when you notice that you feel stronger and more nimble, and can wield many weapons with some skill, your doubts are forgotten.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better melee skill.
   o Increased dexterity
   o Increased hit point regeneration.
   o Increased strength
   o Much better bludgeoning weapons skill.
   o Much better piercing weapons skill.
   o Much better slashing weapons skill.

Info about 'trekking'&#58;

The valley of Icesus is large and filled strange sights waiting to be seen and unchartered places waiting to be discovered. Why read about the world when you can go and see it for yourself?

<pick civilization or nature>

Info about 'civilization'&#58;

Traveling the roads of Icesus and visiting those villages who welcomes travellers, you learn many things about the world and grow in wisdom. Your health is also good, improved by your travelling lifestyle, and you endure longer travels than many others.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Increased constitution
   o Increased endurance point regeneration.
   o Increased maximum endurance points.
   o Increased wisdom

Info about 'nature'&#58;

Your roam the forests far and wide, enjoying the beautiful nature of Icesus. Your lifestyle makes you healthy and endurant, and you recover quickly when you become tired. Also, traveling through rough terrain makes you nimble.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Increased constitution
   o Increased dexterity
   o Increased endurance point regeneration.
   o Increased maximum endurance points.
   o Much better camping skill.

Info about 'working'&#58;

Others may choose to drift around or stick their noses into books, but already as a child you help your family by doing whatever labour you can. Others may learn more about the world, but your hard working will make you stronger and healthier.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Increased constitution
   o Increased hit point regeneration.
   o Increased maximum hit points.
   o Increased strength

<After picking a hobby, option 'none' is available>
If you choose to have no secondary hobby, you will instead devote all your energies to your primary hobby. This will make the benefits gained from it larger. Then again, choosing a secondary hobby can give you greater diversity.
See next post for occupations.
This is a block of text that can be added to posts you make. There is a 160 character limit.
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Post by allanon »

Here is the list of occupations. Again, too lazy to list the combinations of birthplace and family status needed to 'unlock' each job. (Hobby doesn't seem to affect.) Figure out yourself.

"Requires:" denotes what previous occupation(s) you must have before you can pick that job.
I didn't do SpellCheck(tm).
MISSING A JOB! If someone can get the information for 'Mystic' then that should complete the jobs list afaik.

Code: Select all

Info about 'barber'&#58;

Barbers cut and trim hair and beards, cleaning the appearance of their customers. Working as a barber requires nimble fingers, which could increase your potential dexterity later on. You will also learn ways to keep your own appearance clean and tidy, and techniques to handle even the most disagreeable customers, thus improving your potential charisma. Barbers also become skilled at using knives.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better swords skill.
   o Constitution gives much less health.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum charisma.
   o Increased maximum dexterity.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'bartender'&#58;

Bartenders pour and serve drinks, and often have to lend an ear to patrons with problems in their social life. Because of this you can listen, or at least appear to listen attentively even to the most pathetic drivel, which improves your potential charisma. Bartenders hear many tales from minstrels and boisterous customers at the place they work at, and learn much about the world through them. You would therefore get a greater potential wisdom, and money earned as tips.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better maces skill.
   o Constitution gives somewhat more endurance.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum wisdom.
   o Increased maximum charisma.
   o Increased psychic strength.
   o Intelligence gives much less spell points.
   o Severely lowered maximum intelligence.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'benefactor'&#58;

Those who are drawn towards a life studying and serving one of the elemental dieties sometimes decide that the best way to show their faith is to wander among others and offer blessings from their deity and what other help they can to anyone in need. These benefactors usually get practiced in drawing on the power of their diety, and are often known as wise people.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better rite of success skill.
   o Dexterity gives much less endurance.
   o Increased maximum wisdom.
   o Lowered maximum dexterity.
   o Much better bless spell.
   o Wisdom gives more spell points.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'missionary'&#58;

The four elements of Icesus are constantly searching to increase their might. One way, less cataclysmic than others which also have been used, is to convert people to follow the divinity of another element. Those who are strong in faith and skillful with their tongue often travel the world as missionaries, doing their best to convert people to their deity. This requires a charismatic way and great wisdom.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better bless spell.
   o Better preaching skill.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum wisdom.
   o Increased maximum charisma.

Requires&#58; benefactor

Info about 'blacksmith'&#58;

Blacksmiths manufacture and repair the common metal tools used by most labourers. Blacksmiths are usually respected, partly because they are greatly needed by most commoners, and partly because of admiration towards an individual who can survive and even thrive in such a physically demanding profession. As a blacksmith you would learn to handle hammers better, and improve your potential strength and to a lesser degree your potential constitution because of the strenuous work you perform.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better hammers skill.
   o Constitution gives somewhat more endurance.
   o Constitution gives somewhat more health.
   o Increased maximum constitution.
   o Increased maximum strength.
   o Intelligence gives much less spell points.
   o Severely lowered maximum wisdom.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'armourer'&#58;

Armourers are blacksmiths who have specialized in the manufacture and repair of suits of armour. The work is slightly more delicate than regular blacksmithing, requiring less brute force, and more manual dexterity. Being an armourer also pays better than simply repairing ploughs and hammers.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum dexterity.
   o Increased maximum strength.
   o Intelligence gives much less spell points.
   o Lowered maximum wisdom.
   o Much better compare armour skill.

-Requires&#58; blacksmith

Info about 'weaponsmith'&#58;

Weaponsmiths are blacksmiths who have specialized in the manufacture and repair of weapons. The work is more delicate than regular blacksmithing, requiring less brute force, and more manual dexterity. Being a weaponsmith pays better than being a simple blacksmith, and sometimes better than being an armourer as well.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum dexterity.
   o Increased maximum strength.
   o Intelligence gives much less spell points.
   o Lowered maximum wisdom.
   o Much better compare weapons skill.

-Requires&#58; blacksmith

Info about 'goldsmith'&#58;

A goldsmith manufactures decorative luxury items such as silver plates and gold candelabras and jewelry. Goldsmithing requires extremely nimble fingers, and is also a very lucrative profession.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Constitution gives somewhat more health.
   o Dexterity gives more endurance.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum dexterity.

-Requires&#58; armourer or weaponsmith

Info about 'bouncer'&#58;

Drinking is a popular pastime for many people, and troublemakers and fights are common sights in the pubs commoners frequent. Taverns therefore employ strong and healthy bouncers to keep things in check. Bouncers are quite adept at throwing any unruly troublemakers out without having to resort to the use of weapons.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better brawling skill.
   o Better unarmed fighting skill.
   o Constitution gives more health.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum strength.
   o Increased maximum constitution.
   o Intelligence gives less spell points.
   o Severely lowered maximum intelligence.
   o Wisdom gives less spell points.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'bureaucrat'&#58;

Someone has to take care of all the paperwork generated by the recent big changes in Icesus' political structure, and that is what the bureaucrats are for. It requires intellect to keep track of all papers, but due to lack of exercise bureaucrats often have worse health than others.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Constitution gives much less health.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum intelligence.
   o Intelligence gives somewhat more spell points.
   o Lowered maximum constitution.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'caravan guard'&#58;

Guarding the caravans transporting merchants' goods gives good potential health, and nimbleness is also required on the long travels and in sudden ambushes by bandits.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better melee skill.
   o Dexterity gives somewhat more endurance.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum constitution.
   o Increased maximum dexterity.
   o Severely lowered maximum intelligence.
   o Severely lowered maximum wisdom.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'city guard'&#58;

The job of a city guard is not easy, what with the recent tumult in Icesus causing all kinds of people to enter the cities. Add to that old mistrust and quarrels between the different races in the city, and you will understand why the city guards must be strong, healthy people with skill in combat.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Constitution gives somewhat more health.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum constitution.
   o Increased maximum strength.
   o Intelligence gives much less spell points.
   o Much better melee skill.
   o Severely lowered maximum intelligence.
   o Severely lowered maximum wisdom.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'channeler apprentice'&#58;

Channelers are experts in channeling magical energies and leading them into objects or persons, creating protective shields or increasing items' magical properties. As an apprentice you would learn to control the flow of magical energies.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better essence of true ritual skill.
   o Better extract magic spell.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum intelligence.
   o Increased maximum wisdom.
   o Intelligence gives somewhat more spell points.
   o Lowered maximum strength.
   o Severely lowered maximum constitution.
   o Wisdom gives somewhat more spell points.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'cleaner'&#58;

The work of a cleaner is ungrateful, but someone has to do it. Usually only those who have no other choice do this job, though, as it has no real bonuses and the pay is minimal.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Gives more wealth.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'councilmember'&#58;

Councils are the most usual ruling organ in the villages and cities around Icesus. Being a member of a council is often a coveted position, even though it is not an easy task. Whether the council is in a small village or big city , they are the ones who are supposed to keep everyone happy. A councilmember therefore need to be a very wise person.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Constitution gives much less health.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum wisdom.
   o Wisdom gives somewhat more spell points.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'courtier'&#58;

Being in attendance at the royal court is for the rich and famous only. As it further increases the fame of the person, it is an aftersought position.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum charisma.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'herald'&#58;

A lucky courtier might be offered the position of herald at the court. Being in charge of the wellbeing of high-ranking guest is very prestigious and also requires some intellect.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum charisma.
   o Increased maximum intelligence.

Requires&#58; courtier

Info about 'diplomat'&#58;

As a diplomat you get, apart from fame, to meet people of many different races and cultures. This gives the diplomats great potential for being both wise and intelligent.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum charisma.
   o Increased maximum intelligence.
   o Increased maximum wisdom.

Requires&#58; herald

Info about 'craftsman'&#58;

Craftsmen are much needed; there is always a market for well-made commodities, and especially now with many peoples moving from their villages to the city. Great dexteriosity is needed from an successful craftsman.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum dexterity.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'tinker'&#58;

Tinkers travel the countryside, repairing items for a price. The life of a tinker develops both dexterity and health, and as they come in contact with many different people and see much of the world, they usually grow quite wise, too. And their travels make them more endurant than others.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Dexterity gives somewhat more endurance.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum constitution.
   o Increased maximum dexterity.
   o Increased maximum wisdom.

Requires&#58; craftsman

Info about 'entertainer'&#58;

With the war still fresh in peoples memory, entertainers who take minds away from it are appreciated. To succeed as an entertainer, one must be both charismatic and nimble.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum charisma.
   o Increased maximum dexterity.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'acrobat'&#58;

Maybe the most difficult of the different specializations of entertainers, acrobats are people of superior potential for dexteriosity. They also usually grow strong and healthy.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better dodge skill.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum dexterity.
   o Increased maximum constitution.
   o Increased maximum strength.

Requires&#58; entertainer

Info about 'illusionist'&#58;

Illusionists are always popular entertainers, awing the crowds with simple magical tricks. They are both dextreous and intelligent, and often learn some simpler useful spells or helping skills too.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better magic lore skill.
   o Better mirror image spell.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum dexterity.
   o Increased maximum intelligence.
   o Intelligence gives more spell points.
   o Lowered maximum strength.
   o Much better floating letters spell.

Requires&#58; entertainer or mage apprentice

Info about 'minstrel'&#58;

The singing and playing of minstrels always attract people. The best minstrels can get very famous, but to be a successful minstrel requires nimble fingers and also both intelligence and wisdom.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum charisma.
   o Increased maximum dexterity.
   o Increased maximum intelligence.
   o Increased maximum wisdom.

Requires&#58; entertainer

Info about 'bard'&#58;

Some minstrels take to the life of bards, travelling across the land and performing where they find audiences. Bards are much liked. They are intelligent and wise, and as they often use some simple magic too, they learn to draw more of the magic powers. Their long travels also tend to make them healthy and enduring.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Constitution gives somewhat more endurance.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum charisma.
   o Increased maximum dexterity.
   o Increased maximum wisdom.
   o Intelligence gives somewhat more spell points.
   o Wisdom gives somewhat more spell points.

Requires&#58; minstrel

Info about 'seer'&#58;

Seers are popular entertainers, who tell fortunes for many people. Some believe that the future can be seen, and are willing to pay to hear that. While many seers have been caught cheating, it is rumoured that some have developed psychic abilities to actually see someone's future.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum wisdom.
   o Increased psychic strength.

Requires&#58; entertainer

Info about 'fisher'&#58;

There are plenty of fish in the lakes of Icesus, so fishers have their work cut out. The work of a fisher is hard but keeps the fishers healthy and more able to withstand damage. And they are, naturally, good swimmers and fishers.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Constitution gives somewhat more health.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum constitution.
   o Much better fishing skill.
   o Much better swimming skill.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'hawker'&#58;

The hawkers seem to always be present in the city, crying their wares at every streetcorner. Although considered a nuisance by some, their wares usually find buyers sooner or later. A hawker needs to have a charming personality to attract customers, and sharp wit to know what to tell them, but they can make a good living.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Constitution gives somewhat more endurance.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum charisma.
   o Increased maximum intelligence.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'chapman'&#58;

Some hawkers tire of trying to attract their customers in the cities and take to traveling to the villages to sell their wares their. Beside requiring the same charismatic personality as a hawker, the chapmen also are healthy as a result of their travels.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Constitution gives somewhat more endurance.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum charisma.
   o Increased maximum constitution.

Requires&#58; hawker

Info about 'grocer'&#58;

Those hawkers lucky enough to obtain even a small space to use as a shop often turn to grocers, running their shops and selling everyday items for good profit.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum charisma.

Requires&#58; hawker

Info about 'herbalist'&#58;

Searching the outworld for herbs, the herbalist then makes simple herbal cures and salves from them. A herbalist is skilled in finding and recognizing plants and mixing them, and his treks in search of the herbs makes him healthy.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better mixing skill.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum constitution.
   o Much better herbalism skill.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'apothecary'&#58;

Setting up an own apothecary to sell drugs and cures is far more profitable than acting as a herbalist. Aphotecaries are skilled using and mixing different plants.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better herbalism skill.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Much better mixing skill.

Requires&#58; herbalist

Info about 'hunter'&#58;

Roaming through the forests in search of animals which gives meat that can be sold, hunters are a healthy and endurant bunch. They are  also skilled in several areas, including archery.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better archery skill.
   o Constitution gives somewhat more endurance.
   o Constitution gives somewhat more health.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Intelligence gives much less spell points.
   o Much better carving skill.
   o Much better hunting skill.
   o Much better skinning skill.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'trapper'&#58;

Many of the animals inhabiting the valley of Icesus have skins or furs which are sought after. The trappers specialize in catching such animals and selling their skins for good profit. Like hunters, their lifestyle makes them healthy and endurant. Their skills are more geared towards catching and skinning animals, though.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Constitution gives somewhat more endurance.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum constitution.
   o Intelligence gives less spell points.
   o Lowered maximum intelligence.
   o Much better carving skill.
   o Much better skinning skill.
   o Much better trapping skill.

Requires&#58; hunter

Info about 'forester'&#58;

One sign of high nobility is to own land, the more the better. Someone is needed to tend the land and keep poachers away. Foresters are officials responsible for a noble's woodlands. Living in the forest, they lead a healthy life and are endurant. They are also always good hunters, and they usually get paid well.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Constitution gives somewhat more endurance.
   o Constitution gives somewhat more health.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum constitution.
   o Much better hunting skill.

Requires&#58; hunter

Info about 'librarian'&#58;

Spending all the days among stacks of old, dusty tomes is not a good way to build up one's physique. Librarians are usually very intelligent and wise people, having browsed the volumes they maintain themselves more than once. Many librarians also meddle in magic arts.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better magic lore skill.
   o Constitution gives less health.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum intelligence.
   o Increased maximum wisdom.
   o Intelligence gives somewhat more spell points.
   o Wisdom gives somewhat more spell points.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'mage apprentice'&#58;

Mages of any kinds often get pestered by younglings looking for a teacher of the art. Those younglings lucky enough to attract the attention of a mage &#40;in a positive way&#41;, often find cause to regret their decision; mages' apprentices do not lead easy lives. Those who persist become intelligent people with good control of the magic powers and able to cast some simple spells.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better magic lore skill.
   o Constitution gives less health.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum intelligence.
   o Intelligence gives more spell points.
   o Lowered maximum constitution.
   o Much better arrow spell.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'medic'&#58;

The life of an adventurer can be rough and dangerous, and regular citizens aren't safe from harm either. There is much work to be done for a good medic, who knows how to heal small injuries and cuts. The knowledge of an medic is passed from master to apprentice, and mainly concerns tending ordinary, everyday injuries; medics do not study books in the same way as actual doctors. Medics are wise people who often are in good health themselves, knowing how to tend their bodies

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better first aid skill.
   o Better revive skill.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum wisdom.
   o Increased maximum constitution.
   o Wisdom gives somewhat more spell points.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'field medic'&#58;

Field medics are brave and experienced medics who are employed to heal wounded on the field of battle. This requires a good knowledge of reviving unconscious patients, but also some physical training in order to cope with the harsh conditions of a military camp.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better first aid skill.
   o Constitution gives somewhat more health.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Much better revive skill.
   o Wisdom gives somewhat more spell points.

Requires&#58; medic

Info about 'messenger'&#58;

Messengers deliver lots of different kind of messages and stuff to various places. Speed is very important aspect in their work as many pay more for a fast delivery and some times it is even vital. This is why majority of messengers use horses and other mounts in their work. Not only their mounts need to be very sturdy and tough but also the messengers themselves have to be able to ride for very long distances. The long time of using mounts in rugged terrain has given them a small insight of pathfinding.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better pathfinding skill.
   o Better riding skill.
   o Constitution gives more health.
   o Gives more wealth.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'miner'&#58;

The work of a miner is one of the hardest around. Working long shifts deep underground, hacking away at hard rock and getting paid minimal wages. Miners are not widely known for their brilliant minds, either. However, the extreme physical nature of their job does make them some of the strongest people that can be found, and their health is also very good.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better hammers skill.
   o Better mining skill.
   o Constitution gives somewhat more health.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum strength.
   o Increased maximum constitution.
   o Intelligence gives less spell points.
   o Lowered maximum intelligence.
   o Lowered maximum wisdom.
   o Wisdom gives less spell points.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'monk'&#58;

The people known as monks have made a decision to dedicate their lives to self-exploration in a cloister. They live by very strict daily routine, that includes physical labour and meditation. The background has never been a limit when applying into the cloister, both poor and rich bow and make the same sacrifices. Living without excessive wealth and comfort is one of the main principles for monks.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better martial arts skill.
   o Better meditation skill.
   o Constitution gives somewhat more health.
   o Dexterity gives somewhat more endurance.
   o Gives less wealth.
   o Increased maximum wisdom.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'ploughman'&#58;

Working for farmers with large fields, the ploughmen spend long days plowing the fields. It is a strenuous work, developing both strength and health, but it is usually very poorly paid.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Constitution gives somewhat more endurance.
   o Constitution gives somewhat more health.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum constitution.
   o Increased maximum strength.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'farmer'&#58;

Farming is a respected occupation; after all, it is the farmers which largely provide food for the cities. Working outside on the fields makes farmers healthy and strong, although they often have hired help to do the most strenous work. Farmers often are known as wise people, too, having to learn much about the world to get the best possible crops.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum wisdom.
   o Increased maximum constitution.
   o Increased maximum strength.

Requires&#58; ploughman

Info about 'quarrier'&#58;

The quarriers are tireless workers who cut large blocks of stones, which masons later use to build houses of. Working with the blocks requires good strength, and quarriers have a good potential health. The work is not very well paid, but still better than being a miner.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Constitution gives somewhat more endurance.
   o Constitution gives somewhat more health.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum strength.
   o Intelligence gives less spell points.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'bricklayer'&#58;

With new houses and villages being built all around, bricklayers are one sort of labourers that are looked after. They are those who actually place the brick in place, following the plans made by architects and masons. The work develop their strength and also makes them somewhat nimbler, as they often have to clamber on scaffoldings in their work.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Dexterity gives somewhat more endurance.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum dexterity.
   o Increased maximum strength.

Requires&#58; quarrier

Info about 'mason'&#58;

A mason supervises the construction of buildings by bricklayers and other labourers. Masons also often have to step in and do some hard work themselves. As a result, masons become pretyy well-rounded people, training both their strength and also their mind. With the current numbers of buildings being constructed all around, masons are sought after, and consequently get paid well for thei work.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum wisdom.
   o Increased maximum intelligence.
   o Increased maximum strength.

Requires&#58; bricklayer

Info about 'ratkiller'&#58;

Where-ever some larger group of people build a city or a village, there will soon be rats and other pests swarming around. That means there is need for someone who chases and kills these pests. These people are most often called rat killers, since rats are by far the most usual pest found. Ratkillers need to be nimble, as the pests are quick to flee. Chasing the pests also makes ratkillers healthy. The downside is the pay; the fees are minimal.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Dexterity gives somewhat more endurance.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum constitution.
   o Increased maximum dexterity.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'roadbuilder'&#58;

Although widely regarded as labourers with good muscle power and simple minds, the truth about roadbuilders is different. Their work does indeed give them muscles and good health, but as their work take them all around the world, they get to hear many strange tales and see faraway places. Therefore they often are quite wise people. Their pay is not anything to make anyone rich, though.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Constitution gives somewhat more endurance.
   o Constitution gives somewhat more health.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum constitution.
   o Increased maximum strength.
   o Increased maximum wisdom.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'scholar'&#58;

The term 'scholar' is quite generic, but is is usually used to mean a person who examines some facet of the world closely. It has especially become to be used about those who study magic or use magic in their studies. Scholars are typically intelligent persons who can handle magic powers easily, but who have little physical endurance.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better magic lore skill.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum intelligence.
   o Increased maximum wisdom.
   o Intelligence gives more spell points.
   o Lowered maximum constitution.
   o Lowered maximum strength.
   o Wisdom gives somewhat more spell points.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'scout'&#58;

Much of Icesus is still completely or largely unexplored. Caravans carrying goods, armies and rich travellers often employ scouts to survey the terrain around themselves and inform them of any danger drawing near. Thus, scouts get to do a lot of running around in rough terrain. They therefore are healthy and endurant people, often moving nimbly.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better pathfinding skill.
   o Constitution gives somewhat more endurance.
   o Dexterity gives somewhat more endurance.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum dexterity.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'guide'&#58;

Some of the scouts who grow tired with their old occupation choose to continue working as guide. There are many who need a guide with a good knowledge of the land, from merchants' caravans to travelling nobility. Guides live a relatively easy life, but still are somewhat healthier and more endurant than an average individual. Above all, though, they can make money, since their employers without failure are rich and in dire need of their services.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Constitution gives somewhat more endurance.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum charisma.
   o Increased maximum constitution.
   o Increased maximum wisdom.

Requires&#58; scout

Info about 'carrier'&#58;

Often those who works as scouts grow tired with the dangerous and tiring travels in rough terrain. One option is to become a carrier. Carriers freight small parcels and objects from one place to another. They carry all goods themselves. Doing this excersizes their strength and health somewhat, but especially makes them dexterious, as they still have to travel in rough terrain often. The job as a carrier is considerably better paid than that of a scout.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Dexterity gives somewhat more endurance.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum constitution.
   o Increased maximum dexterity.
   o Increased maximum strength.

Requires&#58; scout

Info about 'carter'&#58;

Many carriers choose to expand their business to become carters, hauling larger goods from one place to another with animal-pulled carts. The job of a carter involves much lifting of heavy objects and thus improve the carters' strength. The long travels outdoors also make them healthy and endurant. And since their services are often needed, they can charge a price which makes them wealthy in the long run.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Constitution gives somewhat more endurance.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum constitution.
   o Increased maximum strength.

Requires&#58; carrier

Info about 'scribe'&#58;

It is a widespread notion that to be a scribe one simply has to be able to write. While this might be the case for some of those calling themselves 'scribes', a real scribe which is employed by some official quarter needs a sharp intellect and wisdom to perform her duties perfectly.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum dexterity.
   o Increased maximum intelligence.
   o Increased maximum wisdom.
   o Wisdom gives somewhat more spell points.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'clerk'&#58;

The position of a clerk is sought after among scribes. Clerks handle numerous business accounts, making sure every transaction is duly noted. Since they are employed by banks or councils, they have plenty to look after, and therefore need sharp wit and wisdom. Clerks usually get paid quite well.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum intelligence.
   o Increased maximum wisdom.
   o Intelligence gives more spell points.
   o Wisdom gives more spell points.

Requires&#58; scribe

Info about 'servant'&#58;

All true nobles need servants, if not for anything then at least for showing her status to everyone. Not justanyone becomes a good servant. The best servants need to be charming people with at least some intelligence and wisdom, so that they can please their masters as fit. Payment is usually not very high.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum charisma.
   o Increased maximum wisdom.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'soldier'&#58;

Still an usual occupation although the war ended some years ago. The still present tension ensures that one never knows when soldiers will be needed again. Soldiers are physical types, strong and healthy, who receive training in basic fighting skills. They also get their pay, which never is as big as they would like.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better melee skill.
   o Constitution gives more health.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Greatly increased maximum strength.
   o Increased maximum constitution.
   o Intelligence gives much less spell points.
   o Severely lowered maximum dexterity.
   o Severely lowered maximum intelligence.
   o Severely lowered maximum wisdom.
   o Wisdom gives much less spell points.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'corporal'&#58;

Those soldiers who show some skill in leading others and aren't completely brainless might become corporals, getting more responsibility and leading a small groups of soldiers in battle. The work of an corporal is less straining than being a soldier, but still requires strength and health. Corporals also get paid better than usual soldiers.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better melee skill.
   o Constitution gives somewhat more health.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum constitution.
   o Increased maximum strength.
   o Intelligence gives less spell points.
   o Lowered maximum intelligence.
   o Lowered maximum wisdom.
   o Wisdom gives less spell points.

Requires&#58; soldier

Info about 'sergeant'&#58;

The next step in a military career after becoming corporal is to become sergeant, getting more responsibility and leading more men in battle. As usual, as one rises in ranks, there is less physical strain to go through, although strength and health still are important. Some degree of intelligence is also needed to become a good leader. Payment is again higher than that of a corporal.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better controlled retreat skill.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum constitution.
   o Increased maximum intelligence.
   o Increased maximum strength.

Requires&#58; corporal

Info about 'lieutenant'&#58;

Lieutenants are quite high-ranking officers, which lead a large numbers of men and have a big responsibility. This requires both good physique and a sharp and wise mind. The pay of a lieutenant is quite good.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better controlled retreat skill.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum intelligence.
   o Increased maximum strength.

Requires&#58; sergeant

Info about 'captain'&#58;

The rank of captain is a respectable title. Captains command large numbers of men and have great responsibility for them. Their position requires that their are fit both physically, being strong and healthy, and also mentally, having a sharp intellect and even greater wisdom. They get paid generously for their job.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum wisdom.
   o Much better controlled retreat skill.

Requires&#58; lieutenant

Info about 'squire'&#58;

A squire is the shield and armour bearer of a knight, often aspiring to become one himself. Even though serving a famous knight can be rewarding, the payment for the job is not very good. Squires tend to learn a lot during their travels with their masters, also improving their physique and catching on the basics of melee combat.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better melee skill.
   o Better riding skill.
   o Constitution gives somewhat more health.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum strength.
   o Increased maximum wisdom.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'cavalier'&#58;

Cavaliers are former squires, who have remained true to the knightly virtues, but have not become true knights. Instead they have chosen to travel around the country independently, often following the same code of honour knights do. They are often employed in a similar fashion to mercenaries, but too often the payment is not worth the effort.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better riding skill.
   o Better shield parry skill.
   o Constitution gives more health.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum constitution.
   o Intelligence gives less spell points.
   o Lowered maximum intelligence.

Requires&#58; squire

Info about 'temple acolyte'&#58;

Those who already have decided to dedicate their life to serving one of the elemental deities, ultimately striving for priesthood, most often choose to server as acolytes in a temple. The acolytes study under strict teachers, learning much about the deities and the power they bestow unto their followers. Acolytes become wise people who easily draw upon the power of their deity. Due to the nature of their job, they do not get any payement, though.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better meditation skill.
   o Better prayer skill.
   o Greatly increased maximum wisdom.
   o Lowered maximum strength.
   o Wisdom gives more spell points.

Requires&#58; none

Info about 'woodcutter'&#58;

The large forests of Icesus contain much wood, which people need both for building and for heating. Woodcutters are strong and healthy individuals who often live more in the forest than in any kind of civilization, tirelessly swinging their axe to fell trees and split them into smaller pieces for freighting.

The most visible effects on your character&#58;
   o Better axes skill.
   o Better chop skill.
   o Constitution gives somewhat more endurance.
   o Gives more wealth.
   o Increased maximum constitution.
   o Increased maximum strength

Requires&#58; none
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Post by apex »

this is pretty damned useful.. this couldn't be hopped over to the newbie (or maybe even guilds?) section and stickied could it?
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Post by artic »

maybe stick it right underneath the race list ?
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Post by belannaer »

Moved to newbie discussion and stickied.
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Post by lipides »

If some1 could post up psionicist backgrounds too :D
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psionic backgrounds

Post by klarh »

Info about 'mystic':

Mystics have dedicated their lives on interpreting omens, signs and other mysterious things. Many mystics specialize in some of fields such as fortune telling, predicting future or serving as a psychic medium. Yet many mystics do not specialize and continue to develope all these fields.

The most visible effects on your character:
o Constitution gives somewhat more psychic strength points.
o Increased maximum intelligence.
o Increased maximum wisdom.
o Intelligence gives somewhat more psychic strength points.
o Wisdom gives somewhat more psychic strength points.

Info about 'augur':

Augurs are popular among high-ranking ruling persons and they often empley augurs to predict course of future for them. Many augurs participate in combat along with the nobles and predict the outcome of attacks, defences and different strategiest.

The most visible effects on your character:
o Constitution gives much more psychic strength points.
o Gives more wealth.
o Increased maximum constitution.
o Increased psychic power.
o Intelligence gives somewhat more psychic strength points.
Requires: Mystic

Info about 'psychic medium':

Psychic mediums are believed to be able to talk to the deceased and allowing them to speak through them to their living relatives or anyone who is willing to pay enough for the services of a psychic medium. Whether the psychic medium can or not truely talk with the deceased remains secrets with the medium and his customers.

The most visible effects on your character:
o Gives more wealth.
o Increased maximum wisdom.
o Increased psychic power.
o Intelligence gives somewhat more psychic strength points.
o Wisdom gives much more psychic strength points.
Requires: Mystic

Info about 'seer':

Seers are popular entertainers, who tell fortunes for many people. Some believe that the future can be seen, and are willing to pay to hear that. While many seers have been caught cheating, it is rumoured that some have developed psychic abilities to actually see someone's future.

The most visible effects on your character:
o Gives more wealth.
o Increased maximum intelligence.
o Increased psychic power.
o Intelligence gives much more psychic strength points.
o Wisdom gives somewhat more psychic strength points.
Requires: Mystic
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Post by allanon »

Great! I think that completes the list, unless there are more new jobs out there...Might be some other jobs like seer that got modified :?: My list is obviously bit behind the times.
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Post by mauro »

modified background:

Info about 'woodcutter':

The large forests of Icesus contain much wood, which people need both for
building and for heating. Woodcutters are strong and healthy individuals
who often live more in the forest than in any kind of civilization,
tirelessly swinging their axe to fell trees and split them into smaller
pieces for freighting.

The most visible effects on your character:
o Better axes skill.
o Better chop skill.
o Constitution gives somewhat more endurance.
o Gives more wealth.
o Increased maximum constitution.
o Increased maximum strength.
o Much better felling skill.
o Much better hewing skill.
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Post by goderic »

The information about Conversion suggests some changes to backgrounds. If anyone notices anything different, please post about it!
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Post by dwo »

Yeah, that would be realy great. Altough i realy dont belive that there will be major chances, some backgrounds should be made more usable.
I rule u suck! thats how its ment to be.
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Post by dracu »

Cleaner bg was modified too

Constitution gives more health
Greatly increased maximum constitution
Gives more wealth

Those were it if i'm not mistaken
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Post by hors »

Ok. IF new backgrounds were already in the game yesterday as Belannaer said, then -->>

There are still the same 69 backgrounds, but there are some changes. In general they can be described as slight improvements to the most useless backgrounds, though this does not make them much more useful, imho. However, a few of revised backgrounds can be worth taking. For instance, cleaner is an alternative to messenger now for those who looks for maxing health, entertainer became a viable starting option for psi in addition to a mystic, the whole soldier thread became slightly better. etc. Also, some of the average looking new versions can be considered if you take into account the secondary guilds you going to join.

Link bellow lists all backgrounds description - before (2-3 years old data) and after conversion. ... rsion.html

P.S. Please report mistakes if found to Thank you.
Last edited by hors on Sat May 03, 2008 14:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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