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Post by werdna »

Also you've mentioned that light armour skill helps shifters.

Does it add extra natural armour or makes eq give some protection like it's for any other guilds?
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Post by khade »

Is the shifter regeneration influenced by skills or stats at all? what about trollish regeneration?
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Post by tecari »

Does sword and board work with polearms? Or with pitch fork(s) to be more specific. A thorough list of weapons regarding this would be great!

Is coven crit chance lower against prestigious monsters?

Which coven mastery covers the following spells: thornblast, venom ward, silent scream?

How does coven mastery "arc annihilation" rise? It seems to level up even mid-spellcasting.
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Post by khade »

Help aim indicates the command only works with ranged attacks, and supposedly(aka I've never heard a wizard verify it) aim works in melee for wilders. I've heard that possibly aim now works with melee for others, can we get verification on that?

Or for those who like things to the point:

Does the aim command work for melee?
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Post by tenet »

Centaur hooves:
How do centaur hoof attacks work? Do they consume offence pool resources?
How about trample?

Wilder "street fighter moves":
How do wilder automatic special attack procs work? Do the automatic axe blow, unarmed blow, mortal blow and grapples consume offence pool resources? What causes the automatic attacks to happen? Is the frequency of automatic specials tied to the number of melee/hoof attacks you do?
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Elemental Damage

Post by marcos »

What's the chance of burning/freezing/electrocuting a mob, with 100% of the elemental damage?
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Post by solar »

Magical properties: Damage, accuracy and speed show a bonus in steps of 4 when you identify an item that has them:

E.g. Considerably faster than normal (16)

1) How do these numbers relate to the base values of those weapons? What are some of the ranges of those stats: base dam, base accuracy, base speed?

Like, what kind of speed would a slow weapon have in relation to how effective +16 speed on it would be etc.

2) Is the effect of +16 more pronounced in a weapon that is already very fast than in a slow weapon? Is +16 accuracy also more pronounced in an already accurate weapon or in an inaccurate one? I'd imagine that you'd need to consider all three stats as a whole, as in, +damage is more effective in fast weapon than in slow one (as you get to land n hits more in a minute, so you get to benefit more from damage in a minute).

3) Quality and material also influence those values, are they %-based or point-based effects?

4) Are those speed values directly related to how many points a swing with a weapon takes from your offensive point pool?

5) What kind of base dam/hit/speed do natural weapon users have (shapeshifters, monks, unarmed scions) - how do they compare to weapon users?
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More Fishing Questions! <3

Post by rome »

diu wrote:Fishing questions:

Is there skill cap for fishing? Any breakpoints?
How does lures work and is there any difference bethween
inferior lure vs superb lure?
I'd love to know about the fishing cap. And what contribution do lures make to fishing (stats, skills, masteries, luck)?

How is luck measured? (On score-e ALL of the luck from my eq is not populated) Is there a difference between luck from charms and the luck from clothing and the luck from racial perks or backgrounds?

I have noticed, each time I reinc, and after I max my fishing skills, I suck as a fisher. I'm curious is this is a "thing." Is 'age within a race' required to be a good fisher (does that somehow effect wisdom or something?). Is it something else entirely? Is this a bug?

Thats all! Thanks Bel! <3
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Post by tenet »

"Some maneuver skills (i.e.: kick) are traps and is better to have 0% skill in them."

Reasoning is that an inferior maneuver could be eating your momentum procs, replacing superior maneuvers. For example, if you have kick and furious assault, some of your momentums might be getting used by kick, when what you want is all of them to be furious assaults. Keep in mind that you cannot proc a momentum while you have an unused momentum still going, so reaction time is a factor if you are attacking quickly.

So, questions:

1) Once the combat rolls determined that you got a momentum, how are maneuvers selected?
2) Does the skill% affect the proc chance?
3a) Do you get a momentum proc chance per available maneuver?
3b) Does having a bigger array of maneuver skills increase your total chances of getting momentums?
4) How does situation awareness and chaotic assault affect these mechanics?
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Post by solar »

Re: speed, weapon speed, offensive points, continuous assault, when can one score a hit, racial guild abilities, extra melee hits

Scenario: I am using a stupidly fast weapon (faster than a good material dagger) and know that continuous assault only lets me deal two extra hits when it procs for a total of 3 hits per round (offhand is not making attempts (either using a shield / or empty because of swordplay) )

According to how continuous assault supposedly works, the extra hits it gives cost fewer offensive points from your offensive pool than scoring a regular hit would, but they can also borrow combat points from your next round's allowance, leaving your next round with fewer offensive combat points to play around with, possibly making it so that you do not get to land any hits that next round.

Why is it that regardless of how many offensive points I have (110+), I will still see combat rounds where I do not get to make any hit attempts?

My combat is not blocked through any other source (such as taking a headbutt to the face, handling inventory, being paralyzed etc). By my reasoning, if my offensive assigns are higher than three times what it would cost me to make a hit attempt with my weapon, I should be able to try and land a hit EVERY combat round. Yet, I still see combat rounds where I do not hit at all, but the monster does (so that there is still a combat round, not just lag on my end)

1) So, how much different is a weapon's speed score from how much it costs to actually make a hit attempt?

2) If 110+ assigns should be 'enough' to get full benefits from a super fast weapon (bottlenecked by combat code to one swing attempt + 2 extra hits from continuous assault), why are there combat rounds where I don't get to make any hits?

3) How often and 'how much' do your combat pools replenish and is there any randomness associated with it? If continuous assault borrows from my next turn's pool, is there some reason why, after the replenishment, the amount of points in the pool would not be enough to make a hit?

I think it was mentioned/estimated earlier that 90 points in offence should be enough to get maximum benefits from a dagger. For the sake of argument, the weapon in this theorycraft is as fast as a dagger, possibly even faster.

4) Did racial guild abilities that increase damage (such as cloak and dagger) influence the damages in such a way that it would influence the kind of melee messages that you get? Can we expect to get better messages when benefitting from such an ability, or is the extra damage added after the message has been chosen?

5) Are the racial guild damage bonus traits (cloak and dagger, for example) fixed numbers, always improving a damage by a static N-points amount, or do they have randomness in how much they increase damage?

Does this damage bonus from them get influenced by factors such as: hit roll, bodypart multiplier, being in main hand / off hand, character skill percentages or stats etc.

6) There was a bunch of tunes earlier that extra melee hits would prioritize the use of sword over empty hand (in scions - or swordplay in general) or weapon over shields (in general).

Was there any support for two-weapon wielders (using two swords, for example) as to which weapon they use when they get an extra melee hit?

I observed when using two weapons that one boot my starter hit with 'kill monster' would consistently use my main hand weapon, but in another boot it would consistently choose my offhand weapon.

There were talks of extra melee hits preferring to choose the weapon with higher damage, but was this ever implemented?

If so, then what is going on here - the damages of those two weapons have stayed the same? Could racial guild +damage ability with some weapon type (cloak and dagger: daggers and knives) influence these choices as to which weapon gets chosen over the other?
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Post by osma »

do int and wis effect lbd equally? does it hurt/help to have one of the two much higher then the other? (if wis is 30 and int is 10, would it be better to raise int to increase lbd faster, or raise wis)
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Post by lipides »

1)What are the current archery messages

2)How much damage you need to be able to dish in order to reach the god tier messages?

3)Also what is the "easiest" way to reach the god tier shots? Seeing I'm kinda stuck with my current combination of 100% skills, cat form, weapon maintenance and nomad racial.

4)Also how big is the difference between crafted bows and magical ones? With my current tests it would seem that the damage is same or little bit worse when using Crescent moon compared to self crafted bow.
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Post by bandar »

1. When does Bela come back?
2. Which skills, stats, shards or masteries affect healing spells the most?
2.1 Is ie. +3 healing spells some fixed amount(most likely), but only a comparable number for the effects, so not only +3hp boost to target of heals?
3. Is it mandatory to be intoxicated to play healer as rumour says?

Cheers truly
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Post by zirix »

1. Will crossbow militia combat reload be fixed?
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