New login tips?

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New login tips?

Post by idles »


I'm sure you have all noticed the tips the game gives when you log on. We could use some new ones. If you have some in mind, please post them below.
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Post by misrobo »

When you pay your locker, pay your stable more.
We all accidentally sell our EQ eventually, don't feel bad.
Print out "help topics", read them as you regen, cross them off after you read them.
Whatever stupid mistake you make, its been done on a grander scale.

And a hint about hints... If it could somehow be delayed so that it came after my "set logon" fired I might actually see it, but getting dressed and putting everything I own in the keep blows it off the top of the screen. Same for the locker warning, fortunately is red and bold and I see it go by.
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few tips

Post by ariok »

Leave bears alone
Flee when you think "I CAN TAKE THIS"
Stop playing when you think "Cup of coffee will refresh me up"
Ereldon is not killable!(noticed that myself)
Ereldon has memory of elephant, remembers if you attack him.
Use wimpy at rather high when exploring new areas.
Dont go to areas what seems bit spooky, usually big monsters in them.
Dont annoy bigger players, even it seems funny, (getting bolted to head is less funny).
If you find someones rare equipment, dont try to keep it, ask on channels who owns it.
Remember to AL (asslick) bigger ppl.
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Post by etadan »

If you're ill, find an air priest to cure you.
Can't figure out how some thing works? Try looking at it.
Sings in some rooms, are there for a reason. Maybe so you could read them.
Try to explore new areas when you trained all the exp away. That makes possible deaths less painfull.
Shops are open at day. Reading "help prompt" might help you to avoid seeing locked doors every time you need to sell things.
Read help files.
Read "help skill first aid" and "help skill revive". Those can save YOUR life.
Please, don't report everything you do to [newbie] channel. If you must, use [chat].
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Remove one of the existing tips.

Post by solar »

I noticed a while ago a tip that mentioned that webnews has the list of finnish tv programs or such... Webnews has been broken (well, it shows but doesn't update) for a Looooong time, so removing this tip or fixing the webnews would be nice. I can't remember the exact wording, so you'll have to do some detective work of your own. :)

and my suggestion for tips:
"Rumour has it that some areas might have secrets in them."

"Areaspells can kill you accidentally, pay attention to alert channel."

"Graemor is a city that allows playerkilling, venture there at your own risk."

"Feel like coding something to the game? Ask wizards for more info."
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Post by dyzmal »

"You can get a reinc for free from Rassdael."
"Bored? Wear a Skeleton Lord's circlet."
"Check out the 'help adjectives' command."
"Want to know what armours are better than others? Use both the 'help armours' and 'help materials' commands."
"Read 'help sharing information'."
"Need Advancement Points? Go to the Adventurer's Guild. That's the 'G' on your map."
"A man at the magic shop is offering rewards to people that will help him hunt rats."
"Never wear a Skeleton Lord's circlet."
"Bored? Go get portal sickness."
"Bored? Go get drunk."
"Bored? You shouldn't have joined the militia."
"Use the command 'activate' to activate your account on the Icesus forums."
"Bored? Bug Dyzmal."
"It's a shame a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of wild dogs."
"Bored? Give things to Ereldon."
"Bored? Run straight in any direction and see if you can reach the end of the world."
"Do not eat the brown acid."
"My hovercraft is filled with eels."
"If someone tells you something in 'leetspeak', such as 'w00t' or screams, 'MUSHR00MS!', to you. Chances are they are suffering from portal sickness, or ate one of Huck's shrooms. Don't hold it against them."
"Bored? Help a newbie."
"Bored? Go play something else."
"Bored? Go to the forums at Icesus.Org."
"Make sure to read room descriptions. You never know when a guardian golem will drop from the sky and give you merely seconds to recall a detail about a previous room."
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Post by idles »

Thank you all for very good suggestions!

Added tons of these to the game.

You all received 1 PDF for your contribution 8)
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