Mage "Masters guild"

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do we want mixed damage types?

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Mage "Masters guild"

Post by xerene »

I was thinking of a masters guild for mages that have at least 5 lvls in each damage type and full lvls in Seers and Arcane. This guild would give the ability to cast mixed damage type spells such as Flaming missile of ice, acidic ball of lightning and so on. We also need some guild quests such as to find a certain item or kill a certain beast and the reward could be a new spell such as burning hands, shocking grasp or stoneskin. Probably not gonna happen, but another bug in your ear. I know I have mentioned mixed damage before but this could be a good way to implement it.
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Post by minny »

If mobs can do it...why can't we?
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Post by allanon »

minny wrote:If mobs can do it...why can't we?
Well, mobs can do a lot of things that we can't. For example...

-Cast without having hands free
-Disproportionate wield (ex. mold man with 1.8m rake)
-Never get hunger or thirst
-Undeads: can't be stunned
-Random resistances, up to 100% for some
-Can't drop weapon (I think)
-Exempt from playerkilling rules
-Can't drown
-Not affected by being in cold with no clothes
-Not attacked by other, aggressive monsters
-Exempt from channel bans
-Not affected by light or darkness (questionable)
-Never get spell fumbles (sp damage, clouds, etc.)

...Etc etc. So that's not necessarily a good argument...

Besides, I don't recall ever seeing a mob cast a spell that dealt multiple damagetypes. Unless you are counting magic + something else...But that does not count, since mages can do that as well. The basic level spells sparks, chill, and corrosion all deal two damagetypes...lightning/cold/acid + magic. Steam deals fire + asphyxiation.

You might also consider the fact that monsters cannot get swarms. They also cannot get the lightning sphere special...and I've never heard of a cold-casting mob getting the freezing special on someone. Might be more specials that they can't get that I don't know about. Also as far as I know, monsters don't get spell crits.

(Uh...Flaming missile of ice = missile of steam.)

I believe that mages are good enough combat-wise already and while mixed damage swarms would be nice if implemented, they're not a necessary uptune...
(it is an uptune, right?)

Spells such as "burning hands" or "shocking grasp" (how about "chill touch"?) would be nice, if only they would work on other players and not just the caster. Fist of stone actually has a use - cast it on monks and watch in awe - but spells to add some damage for unarmed mage fighters are pretty useless.

A spell like stoneskin, similar to armourplate...well, we already have mirror images. Perhaps if the two spells could not be stacked, then a stoneskin spell would be alright. Just don't make it too powerful...mages aren't meant to be defenders for obvious reasons, and certainly it shouldn't become stronger than armourplate. That would be unbalanced.

As to guild quests - I'd have to agree on that, I would like something for mages. At the least I'd like some specific, non combat oriented thing to do. Even something like Templar gate guard duty would be appreciated...
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Post by aieon »

If I recall correctly mobs do cast at least critical arrows (crackling with energy or something)
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Post by lipides »

allanon wrote:
Well, mobs can do a lot of things that we can't. For example...

-Cast without having hands free
-Disproportionate wield (ex. mold man with 1.8m rake)
-Never get hunger or thirst
-Undeads: can't be stunned
-Random resistances, up to 100% for some
-Can't drop weapon (I think)
-Exempt from playerkilling rules
-Can't drown
-Not affected by being in cold with no clothes
-Not attacked by other, aggressive monsters
-Exempt from channel bans
-Not affected by light or darkness (questionable)
-Never get spell fumbles (sp damage, clouds, etc.)

Thats not all true.
-we can cast without hands free with certain weapons and certain guild can do it with any weapons.
-i think you can wield a staff with mold man with high enough str.?
-getting hungry/thirsty mob would just be plain stupidy,when they get starving they are easy kills so just wait 30hours after boot and kill them?
-naturally undeads dont get stun,even a child knows that.
-mobs can drop weapon with certain skill usage if i recall.
-i once suggested agro monsies to fight against each others...echcua didn't agree with me.
-why would mob need channel ban anyway?
-and mobs DO GET spell fumbles hurting themself and loosing all sp etc.
thats that.
ps.not bad idea Xerene
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Post by allanon »

It's childish to bicker on something that's not relevant to the issue, but I am a child, literally, so what the heck...sorry for taking this post out on a tangent, Xerene.

-I am well aware of caster weapons. So are most others. By saying cast without hands free I figured it was implied that caster weapons are exemptions...I also know that for example coven can cast with weapons equipped. But that is irrelevant since this is about mage spells, correct?

-Sometimes you are just too small to wield certain weapons, regardless of strength. That's why chitines can't wield four greatswords for example. But a rake is 1.8m, and a staff is just 1m if I recall. Mold men are...small...and it would take a ridiculous amount of strength anyway to wield that sort of thing. There is a mold man gardener-npc in Shantytown that wields a rake, and that was my example. At about 3k, he is not a high level monster, so where does he get all that strength? It's just not's one of those things only mobs can do.

-"Aggressive" monsters aren't really aggressive unless they attack other monsters, too...obviously this would be bad gamewise because it could lead to...well, dead mobs everywhere and general abuse. We don't want that do we. The only three instances I can recall of mob vs. mob is Barim vs. Moose at Highhill, cityguards vs. undeads, and Tanom the Highlord vs. Dwarven guards at old Valley of the Magpies...But none of those are/were aggressive, so.

-Ereldon needs a channel ban!

-I can't argue about spell fumbles and crits without breaking sharing information...hmph.

-But just generally, the point was that saying "players should be able to do xxx, mobs can do it" is not the most persuasive of arguments. So even on the obvious like can't stun undead, or hunger/thirst for mobs, the point is to show that players and mobs have to be different...shouldn't get same abilities.
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Post by dunn »

I too have seen plenty of caster mobs fumble spells and damage themselves with a crit even.
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Post by pyrana »

how about a secondary skill that relates to swarm mastery which gives a chance for each of the different bits of the swarm to cause different damage types ???

wouldnt really be an uptune but might make it more interesting ?
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