Soul phthisis

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Casting process is somatic.

Intelligence, Wisdom and Spellbinding help in casting this spellbindable spell.

Affiliated stats:

Primary: wisdom
Secondary: intelligence
Tertiary: strength

This spellbindable spell is offensive.

Blood magi, mastering the knowledge about life essence of beings, are able to alter their life essence with disease like effects that cause immense damage to their victims. One of these magical diseases is the soul phthisis. As its name suggest it slowly consumes the life essence of its poor victim. What makes it very dangerous is that it is affected by spell casting. Each time the victim receives a spell he literally sends a wave of magical energy through himself that consumes and destroys his insides with that energy. Channeling at a person who is suffering from soul phthisis is extremely harmful for him as the elemental mana from the channeling overloads his essence with the elemental energy and causes the phthisis to consume him even faster. Especially burning his mana is extremely devastating.

This spellbinding requires as much life energy as your spell percentage is to cast.