Epidemics guide

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This "guide" is to share all current knowledge with the playerbase regarding epidemics, and to combat some misinformation. Do note, that as with all of my "guides", I reserve the right to be wrong and if I am, I will try and correct the info later on.

Panic! Halp!

No. You dont need to reinc if you get sick currently epidemics do not cause permanent damage to your character. This rumor is more likely related to "help hazards". NOTE that hazards are NOT in game atm.

How epidemics work

So this seems to need some clarification.

Epidemics and the diseases you get, work on "drops". If you accumulate 10 drops of some bacteria, you will get sick and start showing symptoms. The stage 0, "dormant stage", is where you accumulate these drops, and once you go over 10 drops (or * in the diagnose-report).

If you have left the inn's safe room after the epidemics were introduced, chances are you are in stage 0. This is completely safe, and assuming you wont get more drops to your bloodstream (food/drink/contact), you will be just fine idling in the inn. Note that all PASSIVE transmissions methods of diseases do not function in safe rooms!

This means that if you are at 8 drops of infection (stage 0), and you don't leave the safe room and only drink and eat "safely", your infection level will not rise. You won't get more infection if a diseased person comes and hangs out and vomits on the floor (in SAFE rooms).

But, if you are at 10 drops, you enter the active stage (stage 1) even if you don't gain any more drops via food/drink. This means you will slowly get more sick and start showing symptoms, and your infection level keeps rising. This is the stage where you should medicate asap! You want to stay in stage 0!

Medicines and diagnosing

Never use medicine which has strength of over 10.
20% skill for diagnose is enough to give accurate infection level reading (survivalists gives you this)
Pill/potion/elixir strength is measured in numbers (0-100).
Measure medicine is used in 2 ways: to measure medicine's current potency, and to alter it (Alcemists).
Currently there is a bug that resets the new potions (theriac etc.) when you put in vial container and take out! DO NOT TRUST PRE-MEASURED POTIONS LIKE THIS, UNTILL THIS GETS FIXED, RE-MEASURE BEFORE USE OR ONLY USE FRESHLY-CREATED POTIONS.
Maximum amount of ANY one medicine (pill, salve, potion, elixir) is 10! Any more than this, and you get overdosed.
You will not be overdosed if you take 10 antifever and 10 painkiller, assuming you have matching symptoms (pain, fever). But if you take 12 painkiller or 12 antifever or 12 pill strong potion of Theriac, you will be overdosed because you exceeded the limit of 10 for one type.
Safest way is to measure medicine at -1 of your target level (if you want 10, measure it to 9 to be safe).
Medicine levels in your blood drop by 1 * every 30 min or so.
Getting cured takes some time (15 min - 1h), and if you are at stage 2 or 3 you might need multiple cures taken over a long period of time to avoid overdose.

How to read a diagnosis report:

Diagnosis report.png

In the image above (non-air priest diagnosis) you can see the patient is in stage 0 (dormant stage) with 8 drops of bacteria in his bloodstream (infection level), and is closing to stage 1. This means that he should start to diagnose himself or ask getting diagnosed bit more often. He is completely symptom-free and safe until he hits the magic mark of 10 drops, after which he moves onto stage 1.

Stage 1 means he should now start getting medicine if possible. Since currently there is only 1 disease around, it is safe to assume he has that one (minor disease) and he will want a cure for that disease. Depending on how far he is in stage 1, is how you want to measure your medicine. If he is at 14 drops total, he does not need very strong medicine, but if he is at 20 drops, he might want max (10, or to be safe, 9) strength potion of theriac (or one of the other cures mentioned in "help epidemics", Known diseases-section, listed cures for "minor disease").

If he drinks the potion, and it was indeed a minor disease, his infection level will start to go down within the hour. If by some chance it does not, it probably means he has a other type of disease! If this is the case, you will need to wait for symptoms before you can find a match to the symptoms in "help epidemics" and then medicate accordingly.

You can use the "Active medicine in bloodstream" section to help make sure you don't overdose in case patient needs more medicine: If he has 5 drops in his bloodstream, maximum amount you can give more is 5 drops, or he overdoses.

I do not know how accurate this section is for non-air priests with high skill!

Air priests also see more than what non-air priests see with diagnose.

Do not medicate until you are at stage 1. Afaik doing so will either cause problems or do nothing.

Im sick!

Ok! You've been drinking from puddles and eating random bread from the npcs you kill. Don't do that! It's not hygienic. You are now in (or above) stage 1. Based on your symptoms (found in "help epidemics") you want to make a potion/elixir that is listed as a cure in said file, for the disease you suspect you got. Currently we have only seen "minor disease", so the cures/treatments for that are: Relief of symptoms, Elixir of Life, Elixir of Death, Elixir of Truth, Theriac.

Let's break this down:

Relief of symptoms means that you want painkiller pills for pain, antifever pills for fever in this case.
The other treatments mentioned (Elixirs, Theriac) means you need ONE of them, whatever is easiest to get.

Now, either you make the cure yourself, or ask someone to make it for you. The strength of the potion should depend on how far along your infection is, if it is at the first few "1's" of stage 1, you might settle for strength of 5 to be safe. Alchemists can make the potions and measure them. If you have low %, give more leeway on your cures, meaning always make the strength bit lower to be sure you don't accidentally overdose.

If you are vomiting or other bodily fluids leak out from you, avoid public places and other people so you don't make them sick.