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Aegic is the name of the orb that Icesus is set upon, just as Earth is the orb that Eurasia is set upon.

In the year 476 after the Creation, right after the Interplanar War and roughly seven hundred years before the Ice covered Aegic, the grey elves and the gnomes created a new calendar. It was meant as universal, to be used by all races. As the war just fought had left the people of all races more unified than ever before, it was hoped this would help towards keeping is so. It didn't; before long, new and lesser squabbles and wars broke out. The calendar still became the universal standard, used by all races as a common measurement of time. Several races still had their own calendars, but those were only used amongst themselves.

Each year was given a name after one of the races and of the elements. The cycle of 35 years thus created was divided into 7 smaller sections, septets, named after the element whose year was in that septet. It was decided to start the cycle from the Septet of Magic, with the year of the Gnome being the first year.

The count of years:

year Septet of Magic year Septet of Water year Septet of Air year Septet of Earth year Septet of Fire
1 Example 8 Example 15 Example 22 Example 29 Example
2 Example 9 Example 16 Example 23 Example 30 Example