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Channels in short

Channels are a game-wide communication method, players can use them
to talk with other online players. They are considered "out-of-character".
To use channels, you need to join one. use 'channel join newbie' to join
the newbie channel. Then use 'newbie Hi everyone!' to talk on the channel.

To see the list of channels, type 'channel list'. Recommended channels
are newbie, ice, sales and wanted.

More detailed description

Channels are like tells, but anyone who is listening the channel that
you talk over will hear you. Emotes also work through channels and they
are used by adding ' before your emote(ice 'welcomes everyone present)
You can also set the emote character for channel use(set channel_emote :)
There are public channels, guild channels, and then there are private
channels. Players have the ability to create private channels in which
they will be able to operate, and set operators (A player that creates
a channel is the channel creator) It will cost them though, a sum of 
10 million from their bank account, thus reducing the amount of private
channels for people who aren't serious about it. Operators have the ability
to set the topic, invite people (and uninvite) and ban people. The channel's
creator has the same rights, but is the only one who can set the operators
(channel op), take away the operator status from a listener (channel deop)
and change behaviour of channel(channel set).
Each channel has a topic, which can describe current discussion topic or
anything(channel topic). Channel also has
description which describes the channel and mentions if the language of
channel is not english(channel set ice description General channel for
everyone.) It is only settable by creator.
There are few other possible things to set:
moderated       (Only people with ops are allowed to speak)
wiz_only        (Only wizards are allowed to listen and speak)
admin_only      (Only admins are allowed to listen and speak)
level_limit     (Only people higher than limit are allowed to listen and speak)
creator         (Lets you give away the ownership to someone, this is final)
always_speak    (Player can speak while sleeping or meditating.
                 Setting this costs 10M from your bank account.)

Private channels have unique ability to have only
a selected people (honoured invitees) to listen on to what is said over the
channel, much like the guild channels, in which only those guild members can
listen on to what is being discussed by fellow members. Once
invited, it will appear on your channel list and can join it another time.
(Note: to create private channel names, it will have to include + after it,
eg: ping+ and all communication over the channel, will also include the +
after it. A good way to make the nuisance obsolete would be to alias it:
alias ping ping+)

When someone communicates over the channel, the channels name (eg ping+)
will appear in the middle of different symbols, which will show you what

status the speaker has:
{} Channel creator/operator                 (eg: {ping+})
<> wizard                                   (eg: <ping+>)
[] normal player                            (eg: [ping+])
() mud informal messages(cannot ignore)     (eg: (ping+))

When typing just the channel name you'll get current listeners in channel.
* infront of name means creator, @ operator.

Available Commands:
'channel create <channel>'            (creates a channel)
'channel remove <channel>'            (removes a channel)
'channel join <channel>'              (joins a channel)
'channel leave <channel>'             (leaves a channel)
'channel who <channel>'               (a list of listeners)
'channel info <channel>'              (detailed information on channel)
'channel topic <new topic>'           (changes topic)
'channel invite <channel> <player>'   (invitation to channel)
'channel uninvite <channel> <player>' (removal from channel)
'channel invites <channel>'           (people who are online and invited)
'channel op <channel> <player>'       (set operators)
'channel deop <channel> <player>'     (removes operators)
'channel ban <channel> <player> <days> [reason]' (bans player)
'channel unban <channel> <player>'    (unbans player)
'channel bans <channel>'              (a list of banned listeners)
'channel list [long|topics]'          (a list of listeanable channels)
'<channel> <words>'                   (to speak on the channel)
'<channel>'                           (a list of current listeners)

See also: help channel rules