Conclave of sorcerers

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+ Introduction

The members of the Conclave are very secretive about their craft and their past. No-one seems to know much about it and those who are claimed to be part of the Conclave are dead silent about it. The location of their centre of training is unknown, but they are mostly seen in the southeastern part of the valley. Not much is know of their crafts outside the guild, the rumours say that they practise some sinister rituals and worship dead deities in their secreted chapels but there just isn't any exact information around. only the Mages of Valkor are claimed to know something about them but they are as silent as the members of the Conclave are. Maybe there is some unknown history between those two guilds?

+ History

The great battle between the elemental gods was over.

Water had won, and the triumph was great goddess of fire was forced to subside to minor player in the constant struggle between the powers. And even more, the god of magic was no more, he had perished in the dreadful battle.

The event caused great chaos and disorder. The strength of water had grown great, the world was filled with terrible coldness and the warm temperature and mild climate was gone. The disorder was even greater amongs the followers of the now gone god of magic, a great throng of people from almost every race had been worshipping the element of magic, most of those had been great magic-users themselves.

After a short term of mourning highest priests of lost god were gathered to cousel the future of their presence and craft. Amongst them were the most powerful magicians in the world of icesus, so powerful that never since has such a great concentration of power gathered to one place.

There were many sects represented in that meeting, varying from those whose practise of magic was considered vile and dreadful to those who were held in high esteem even amongst followers of other elements.

The debate was great, the subjects were dire, the whole existence of practice of magic was in great peril. After long, and even heated discussion those who were planning to utilize the raw magics and powers drifting around in the world of icesus got the upper hand. Amongst those who supported that plan for future were many great and wise mages, mainly ancient elven magus But their path didn't please some of those present, as in every society there were those who had plans for another way to do things. The discussion grew even more heated.

Soon two groups separate from the council, the one that was led by the elven magus' and one which contained a small number of dark elf sorcerers. Their separation had more elements than just the difference between their view of the future the Sorcerers had plans to utilize the raw energy from the plane of magic and to pursue the reborn of the god of magic, either the fallen god or elevating some other being to the status of a god. But that was not all there was behind their conflict. The eternal struggle between elves and dark elves was also evident, the Sorcerers didn't want to fall under the command of elven mages. Their sect had been quite independent when the god was still present, and while the elves dominated amongs the followers of magic they had had a secured and independent position in the society.

The struggle become more than just heated depate. Blows were struct and even magic was utilised. While the Sorcerers' powers were great their number was too little, the elves had many allies amongs other races. While the conflict was fierce it took only a short while untill the Sorcerers had to flee if they wanted to stay alive and to continue in the path they had chosen.

From those who remained in the council after the Sorcerers were forced to flee was founded the society that we know today as The Mages of Valkor.

The Sorcerers had fled and without a doubt would be open and free targets for any other magic user. They had to hide and lick their wounds somewhere safe and thus was the Conclave of Sorcerers founded. The Conclave consisted of seven master sorcerer and their journeymen and apprentices. A great fortress was build with magic on the peak of a great mountain in west, far away from civilization. No one but a Sorcerer was able to enter the fortress, or The Asylum as it was called. There the Sorcerers were able to practise their craft, ensnare spirits from the realm of magic and utilize their powers and channel raw elemental energies between the six planes of existence.

Aeon has passed from those events. The Conclave has remained almost as hidden than in the first years, the asylum remains still restricted from any but sorcerers. The time has refined their craft but their number is still little. The events are almost, but not quite forgotten, nowadays some even worship other elements in search of greater control of elemental energies. The hatred between elves and dark elves has lessened, but it is still evident somewhere, in hidden thoughts of the two races perhaps?

The time has come for Sorcerers to recruit new members. They might even take some other races, but only dark elves can access the highest positions in the Conclave. The struggle to find a new god of magic is still as fierce as ever.

+ Guild structure


                               │ Conclave of Sorcerers │
                               │         (5)           │
                                     /             \
                                    /               \
               ┌───────────────────────┐        ┌───────────────────────┐
               │ Energy Manipulators   │        │   Sect of Conjurers   │
               │         (7)           │        │          (7)          │
               └───────────────────────┘        └───────────────────────┘

                        Dark Elf, Mold Man, Troll, Reed, Derro, or Orc
                                │ Guardians in Obsidian │
                                │         (11)          │
                                      Dark Elf only

┌───────────────────────┐ ┌───────────────────────┐ ┌───────────────────────┐ │ Path of Oblivion │ │ Path of Neutrality │ │ Path of Destruction │ │ (6) ├────>───┤ (6) ├────>───┤ (6) │ └───────────────────────┘ └───────────────────────┘ └───────────────────────┘

                              │ High Council of Sorcerers │
                              │            (12)           │


++ Conclave of Sorcerers

The Conclave of Sorcerers is the main guild for Sorcerers. One can learn the most basic skills and spells from there.

The Conclave of Sorcerers is what is left of the master sorcerers after these difficult years in self-proclaimed exile. Those who once were faitful followers of the god of magic are gathered here to continue their practise of magic, different from any other form of magic on the plane of Aegic. The main body of the conclave consists of several ancient dark elfs and only those races close to their views of the world are welcomed to join

> size smaller**{{@@,--------------------------------------------------.@@ > @@| Levels: 5| Bonus obtained |@@ > @@+--------------------------------------------------+@@ > @@| 1 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| | a little amount of strength |@@ > @@| 2 | Regeneration Hp: 1 |@@ > @@| | a little amount of wisdom |@@ > @@| 3 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| | a little amount of constitution |@@ > @@| 4 | Regeneration Sp: 2 |@@ > @@| 5 | a little amount of wisdom |@@ > @@| | Regeneration Ep: 1 |@@ > @@+--------------------------------------------------+@@ > @@,---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---.@@ > @@| Skill name | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5|@@ > @@+---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+@@ > | [[[benevolent spirits]]]@@ | 1| 2| 4| 5| 10|@@ > | [[[command spirit]]]@@ | 1| 2| 4| 5| 10|@@ > | [[[concentrated casting]]]@@ | 5| 10| 15| 20| 30|@@ > | [[[consider]]]@@ | 10| 15| 30| 35| 45|@@ > | [[[determination]]]@@ | 10| 20| 30| 35| 45|@@ > | [[[energy flow control]]]@@ | 10| 20| 30| 35| 45|@@ > | [[[spirit lore]]]@@ | 15| 25| 35| 40| 30|@@ > @@`---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---'@@ > @@,---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---.@@ > @@| Spell name | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5|@@ > @@+---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+@@ > | [[[energy vortex]]]@@ | 3| 5| 9| 15| 31|@@ > | [[[halo of energy]]]@@ | 10| 15| 21| 26| 31|@@ > | [[[sphere of protection]]]@@ | 10| 15| 23| 33| 38|@@ > | [[[sphere of warding]]]@@ | 3| 4| 9| 12| 14|@@ > | [[[spirit link]]]@@ | 3| 5| 8| 12| 19|@@ > | [[[windstorm]]]@@ | 3| 5| 6| 8| 12|@@ > @@`---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---'@@}}**/size

++ Energy manipulators

The whole name of the subguild is Sect of Energy Manipulators. It is one of the three Sects in the guild. One can learn basic skills and spells for energy manipulation from there.

The energy manipulators are a sect focused to control energies from some plane to another, or even in one plane. Their craft origins to the energy patterns and currents a skilled manipulator can see and manipulate around them. These currents are mostly unseen to any untrained eye. Much of the sorcerer's power origin from the manipulation of energies, one can't control spirits without first ensnaring them from the plane of magic

> size smaller**{{@@,--------------------------------------------------.@@ > @@| Levels: 7| Bonus obtained |@@ > @@+--------------------------------------------------+@@ > @@| 1 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| | a little amount of wisdom |@@ > @@| 2 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| | a trifle amount of intelligence |@@ > @@| 3 | a little amount of intelligence |@@ > @@| 4 | some intelligence |@@ > @@| 5 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| | a trifle amount of wisdom |@@ > @@| 6 | Regeneration Sp: 2 |@@ > @@| 7 | a little amount of wisdom |@@ > @@| | a trifle amount of intelligence |@@ > @@+--------------------------------------------------+@@ > @@,---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---.@@ > @@| Skill name | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7|@@ > @@+---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+@@ > | [[[absorb energy]]]@@ | 3| 9| 15| 24| 32| 38| 40|@@ > | [[[energy flow control]]]@@ | 50| 55| 60| 65| 70| 77| 85|@@ > | [[[energy paradigms]]]@@ | 3| 10| 19| 29| 45| 55| 70|@@ > | [[[recognize energy patterns]]]@@ | 15| 28| 39| 51| 67| 82|100|@@ > | [[[regenerative vortex]]]@@ | - | - | - | 13| 32| 47| 60|@@ > | [[[reversed vortex]]]@@ | - | - | - | 13| 32| 47| 60|@@ > | [[[translocate object]]]@@ | 15| 28| 39| 51| 67| 82|100|@@ > @@`---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---'@@ > @@,---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---.@@ > @@| Spell name | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7|@@ > @@+---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+@@ > | [[[energy vortex]]]@@ | 35| 42| 50| 58| 70| 83|100|@@ > | [[[halo of energy]]]@@ | 35| 42| 50| 58| 70| 83|100|@@ > @@`---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---'@@}}**/size

++ Sect of Conjurers

This subguild teaches basic skills and spells for ensnaring and commanding spirits, as well as gives some general skills for magic using. Some of those skills are very important for future and one should take a good care that every skill and spell is trained at least to some degree.

The sect of conjures teaches the conjuring skills and spells the sorcerers need. The conjuring skills in this case meaning the skills for a sorcerer to link and control spirits, as well as some basic skills any magic user needs. Most of these skills and spells are required for successful control and command of ones spirits and other beings from another realms.

> size smaller**{{@@,--------------------------------------------------.@@ > @@| Levels: 7| Bonus obtained |@@ > @@+--------------------------------------------------+@@ > @@| 1 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| | a little amount of charisma |@@ > @@| 2 | Regeneration Hp: 2 |@@ > @@| | a trifle amount of wisdom |@@ > @@| 3 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| | Regeneration Ep: 1 |@@ > @@| 4 | Regeneration Hp: 1 |@@ > @@| | a little amount of wisdom |@@ > @@| 5 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| | a trifle amount of wisdom |@@ > @@| | Regeneration Ep: 1 |@@ > @@| 6 | Regeneration Sp: 2 |@@ > @@| | a little amount of strength |@@ > @@| 7 | a little amount of wisdom |@@ > @@| | a little amount of strength |@@ > @@+--------------------------------------------------+@@ > @@,---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---.@@ > @@| Skill name | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7|@@ > @@+---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+@@ > | [[[command spirit]]]@@ | 20| 26| 32| 40| 51| 57| 70|@@ > | [[[concentrated casting]]]@@ | 40| 47| 52| 57| 61| 66| 75|@@ > | [[[ensnare spirits]]]@@ | 10| 19| 27| 37| 49| 64| 70|@@ > | [[[essence of true ritual]]]@@ | 10| 19| 24| 30| 38| 43| 50|@@ > | [[[spirit lore]]]@@ | 36| 45| 54| 65| 71| 82|100|@@ > @@`---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---'@@ > @@,---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---.@@ > @@| Spell name | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7|@@ > @@+---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+@@ > | [[[sphere of protection]]]@@ | 45| 53| 61| 72| 81| 94|100|@@ > | [[[sphere of warding]]]@@ | 26| 34| 42| 50| 57| 62| 70|@@ > | [[[spirit link]]]@@ | 26| 34| 42| 50| 57| 62| 70|@@ > @@`---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---'@@}}**/size

++ Guardians in Obsidian

One shouldn't take levels from this sub unless considering to take levels from High Council. It teaches basic skills for using the scepter as a weapon, as well as several defensive skills, just enough to provide means for surviving, nothing more. Only very high level characters are forced to take levels from there.

It is the remrants of the ancient honour guard of the dark elven kings, led by sentinel Ariaxum. Only few abilities from its past glory are still available, the rest is hidden inside the vast memories of the guild leaders. Maybe someday the guard will flower again.

It is only for dark elf, mold man, troll, reed, derro and orcs

The guardians in obsidian are the martial sect of the conclave. They provide basic skills everyone needs for their own survival: basic defensive skills and very basic melee skills. They no longer teach their most powerful offensive skills. They were once formed from the remains of the dark elf king's personal guard, and their leader, Ariaxum C'haracour has gained great valor during the dawn years of the word of Aegic. Nowadays they just serve under the command of the conclave's elders.

> size smaller**{{@@,--------------------------------------------------.@@ > @@| Levels: 11| Bonus obtained |@@ > @@+--------------------------------------------------+@@ > @@| 1 | Regeneration Ep: 3 |@@ > @@| | some dexterity |@@ > @@| 2 | Regeneration Hp: 2 |@@ > @@| | a trifle amount of constitution |@@ > @@| 3 | Regeneration Hp: 2 |@@ > @@| | Regeneration Ep: 3 |@@ > @@| 4 | Regeneration Hp: 1 |@@ > @@| | some strength |@@ > @@| 5 | some dexterity |@@ > @@| 6 | a trifle amount of constitution |@@ > @@| 7 | Regeneration Ep: 3 |@@ > @@| 8 | Regeneration Hp: 1 |@@ > @@| 9 | a little amount of dexterity |@@ > @@| 10 | a little amount of constitution |@@ > @@| 11 | Regeneration Hp: 2 |@@ > @@+--------------------------------------------------+@@ > @@,---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---.@@ > @@| Skill name | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11|@@ > @@+---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+@@ > | [[[avoid hits]]]@@ | - | - | - | - | 5| 10| 20| 30| 40| 45| 50|@@ > | [[[berserk]]]@@ | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 90|@@ > | [[[block]]]@@ | - | - | - | - | 5| 10| 20| 30| 40| 45| 50|@@ > | [[[bludgeoning weapons]]]@@ | - | 5| 10| 15| 25| 30| 40| 50| 60| 70| 90|@@ > | [[[combat sense]]]@@ | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 70|@@ > | [[[concentrated attack]]]@@ | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 50|@@ > | [[[concentrated defence]]]@@ | - | - | - | - | - | 5| 10| 20| 30| 40| 50|@@ > | [[[contact reflexes]]]@@ | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 50|@@ > | [[[continuous assault]]]@@ | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 70|@@ > | [[[crush]]]@@ | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 85|@@ > | [[[dodge]]]@@ | - | - | 3| 7| 11| 15| 20| 30| 40| 45| 50|@@ > | [[[enhance criticals]]]@@ | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 80|@@ > | [[[find weakness]]]@@ | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |100|@@ > | [[[flails]]]@@ | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 85|@@ > | [[[heavy armours]]]@@ | - | - | - | - | - | - | 5| 15| 30| 40| 70|@@ > | [[[light armours]]]@@ | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 5| 10| 40|@@ > | [[[maces]]]@@ | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 85|@@ > | [[[medium armours]]]@@ | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 5| 10| 15| 55|@@ > | [[[melee]]]@@ | 5| 15| 20| 30| 40| 50| 60| 70| 80| 90| 95|@@ > | [[[offensive battle strategy]]]@@ | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 80|@@ > | [[[staves]]]@@ | - | 5| 10| 15| 25| 30| 40| 50| 60| 70| 85|@@ > | [[[warding]]]@@ | - | - | - | - | 5| 10| 20| 25| 32| 35| 40|@@ > | [[[weapon parry]]]@@ | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 50|@@ > @@`---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---'@@ > @@,---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---.@@ > @@| Spell name | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11|@@ > @@+---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+@@ > | [[[burn's torment]]]@@ | 1| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7|100|@@ > | [[[eventide's torment]]]@@ | 1| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7|100|@@ > | [[[nascent's torment]]]@@ | 1| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7|100|@@ > | [[[soul's sacrifice]]]@@ | 1| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7|100|@@ > | [[[tainted's torment]]]@@ | 1| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7| +7|100|@@ > @@`---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---'@@}}**/size

++ Path of Oblivion

One must finish the Sect of Conjurers and Energy Manipulators before joining there. The guild teaches skills and spells for benevolent spirits, this is the first spirit based subguild one can take.

> size smaller**{{@@,--------------------------------------------------.@@ > @@| Levels: 6| Bonus obtained |@@ > @@+--------------------------------------------------+@@ > @@| 1 | a little amount of intelligence |@@ > @@| | a little amount of charisma |@@ > @@| 2 | Regeneration Sp: 2 |@@ > @@| | a little amount of wisdom |@@ > @@| 3 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| | Regeneration Hp: 1 |@@ > @@| 4 | Regeneration Hp: 1 |@@ > @@| | a little amount of wisdom |@@ > @@| 5 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| | Regeneration Hp: 1 |@@ > @@| | a little amount of wisdom |@@ > @@| 6 | Regeneration Sp: 2 |@@ > @@| | a trifle amount of wisdom |@@ > @@+--------------------------------------------------+@@ > @@,---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---.@@ > @@| Skill name | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6|@@ > @@+---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+@@ > | [[[benevolent spirits]]]@@ | 17| 25| 33| 60| 80|100|@@ > @@`---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---'@@ > @@,---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---.@@ > @@| Spell name | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6|@@ > @@+---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+@@ > | [[[firestorm]]]@@ | 20| 30| 40| 60| 75|100|@@ > | [[[howling tempest]]]@@ | 10| 20| 40| 60| 75|100|@@ > | [[[manastorm]]]@@ | 20| 30| 40| 60| 75|100|@@ > | [[[sandstorm]]]@@ | 20| 30| 40| 60| 75|100|@@ > | [[[thunderstorm]]]@@ | 20| 30| 40| 60| 75|100|@@ > | [[[untamed twister]]]@@ | 5| 10| 15| 25| 35| 55|@@ > | [[[windstorm]]]@@ | 20| 30| 40| 60| 75|100|@@ > | [[[witherstorm]]]@@ | 20| 30| 40| 60| 75|100|@@ > @@`---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---'@@}}**/size

++ Path of Neutrality

One is required to take at least 5 levels in the Path of Oblivion before joining this one. It teaches skills and spells for neutral spirits.

> size smaller**{{@@,--------------------------------------------------.@@ > @@| Levels: 6| Bonus obtained |@@ > @@+--------------------------------------------------+@@ > @@| 1 | a little amount of charisma |@@ > @@| | a little amount of constitution |@@ > @@| 2 | Regeneration Hp: 2 |@@ > @@| | a trifle amount of constitution |@@ > @@| 3 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| | Regeneration Ep: 1 |@@ > @@| 4 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| | a little amount of strength |@@ > @@| 5 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| | Regeneration Hp: 1 |@@ > @@| | a trifle amount of constitution |@@ > @@| 6 | Regeneration Sp: 2 |@@ > @@| | a little amount of wisdom |@@ > @@+--------------------------------------------------+@@ > @@,---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---.@@ > @@| Skill name | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6|@@ > @@+---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+@@ > | [[[neutral spirits]]]@@ | 17| 25| 33| 60| 80|100|@@ > @@`---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---'@@ > @@,---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---.@@ > @@| Spell name | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6|@@ > @@+---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+@@ > | [[[ethereal form]]]@@ | 1| 11| 22| 33| 44| 55|@@ > | [[[kaleidoscopic shield]]]@@ | 33| 44| 66| 77| 88|100|@@ > | [[[share blood]]]@@ | 22| 44| 66| 77| 88|100|@@ > @@`---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---'@@}}**/size

++ Path of Destruction

One is required to take at least 5 levels in Path of Neutrality as well as 9 levels in Path of Oblivion before joining this subguild. One should try to get levels from here as quickly as one can, it provides the main offensive abilities the Conclave has.

> size smaller**{{@@,--------------------------------------------------.@@ > @@| Levels: 6| Bonus obtained |@@ > @@+--------------------------------------------------+@@ > @@| 1 | a little amount of strength |@@ > @@| | a little amount of constitution |@@ > @@| 2 | Regeneration Hp: 2 |@@ > @@| | a trifle amount of wisdom |@@ > @@| 3 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| 4 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| | a little amount of strength |@@ > @@| 5 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| 6 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| | a little amount of wisdom |@@ > @@+--------------------------------------------------+@@ > @@,---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---.@@ > @@| Skill name | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6|@@ > @@+---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+@@ > | malevolent spirits@@ | 17| 25| 33| 60| 80|100|@@ > @@`---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---'@@ > @@,---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---.@@ > @@| Spell name | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6|@@ > @@+---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+@@ > | [[[bloodlust]]]@@ | 5| 11| 33| 44| 66|100|@@ > | [[[unleash the soulreaver]]]@@ | 1| 5| 11| 22| 33| 55|@@ > | [[[wail of the tormented]]]@@ | 11| 22| 33| 44| 66|100|@@ > @@`---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---'@@}}**/size

++ High Council of Sorcerers

This subguild teaches the most powerful and destructive skills and spells the Sorcerer can train. There is several requirements for the guild.

> size smaller**{{@@,--------------------------------------------------.@@ > @@| Levels: 12| Bonus obtained |@@ > @@+--------------------------------------------------+@@ > @@| 1 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| 2 | Regeneration Hp: 2 |@@ > @@| | a little amount of wisdom |@@ > @@| 3 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| 4 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| | a little amount of strength |@@ > @@| 5 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| | Regeneration Hp: 1 |@@ > @@| 6 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| | a little amount of wisdom |@@ > @@| 7 | a little amount of wisdom |@@ > @@| | a trifle amount of charisma |@@ > @@| 8 | a little amount of constitution |@@ > @@| 9 | a trifle amount of intelligence |@@ > @@| 10 | a trifle amount of wisdom |@@ > @@| 11 | a little amount of strength |@@ > @@| 12 | Regeneration Sp: 2 |@@ > @@+--------------------------------------------------+@@ > @@,---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---.@@ > @@| Skill name | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12|@@ > @@+---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+@@ > | [[[absorb energy]]]@@ | 50| 60| 70| 80| 90|100|100|100|100|100|100|100|@@ > | [[[command spirit]]]@@ | 76| 81| 84| 89| 91| 94|100|100|100|100|100|100|@@ > | [[[energy flow control]]]@@ |100|100|100|100|100|100|100|100|100|100|100|100|@@ > | [[[energy paradigms]]]@@ | 76| 81| 84| 89| 91| 94|100|100|100|100|100|100|@@ > | [[[ensnare spirits]]]@@ | 76| 81| 84| 89| 91| 94|100|100|100|100|100|100|@@ > | [[[mastery of command]]]@@ | 10| 19| 27| 36| 44| 49| 54| 62| 70| 77| 85|100|@@ > | [[[pain threshold]]]@@ | 10| 19| 27| 36| 44| 49| 54| 62| 70| 77| 85|100|@@ > | [[[pierce air ward]]]@@ | - | - | - | 20| 32| 40| 47| 56| 64| 71| 88|100|@@ > | [[[pierce earth ward]]]@@ | - | - | - | 20| 32| 40| 47| 56| 64| 71| 88|100|@@ > | [[[pierce fire ward]]]@@ | - | - | - | 20| 32| 40| 47| 56| 64| 71| 88|100|@@ > | [[[pierce water ward]]]@@ | - | - | - | 20| 32| 40| 47| 56| 64| 71| 88|100|@@ > | [[[regenerative vortex]]]@@ | 65| 73| 77| 81| 84| 87| 92|100|100|100|100|100|@@ > | [[[reversed vortex]]]@@ | 65| 73| 77| 81| 84| 87| 92|100|100|100|100|100|@@ > @@`---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---'@@ > @@,---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---.@@ > @@| Spell name | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12|@@ > @@+---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+@@ > | [[[ethereal form]]]@@ | 60| 66| 75| 82| 90|100|100|100|100|100|100|100|@@ > | [[[seize the day]]]@@ | - | - | - | 20| 32| 40| 47| 56| 64| 71| 88|100|@@ > | [[[sphere of warding]]]@@ | 80| 90|100|100|100|100|100|100|100|100|100|100|@@ > | [[[spirit link]]]@@ | 80| 90|100|100|100|100|100|100|100|100|100|100|@@ > | [[[unleash the soulreaver]]]@@ | 60| 66| 75| 82| 90|100|100|100|100|100|100|100|@@ > | [[[untamed twister]]]@@ | 60| 66| 75| 82| 90|100|100|100|100|100|100|100|@@ > @@`---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---'@@}}**/size

+ Guild magic

The Sorcerer's own magics are quite weak. Their most destructive powers come from other beings which are controlled by the Sorcerer. These beings are mostly spirits, captured from the plane of magic. The Sorcerer is able to manipulate energy around him, these manipulation skills allow him to open pathways to other elemental planes and even use the energy pathways in between of two different places in the same plane.

+ Spirits

Spirits habitate other planes of existence. The spirits which the Sorcerers are able to command and force to obey are mainly from the plane of magic, but there are other spells for the sorcerers to use beings from the four other elemental planes.

++ Ensnaring

The Sorcerer must capture a suitable spirit from another plane by using the spell 'energy vortex The process ensnares a spirit with corporeal form, but the caster is unable to force the spirit to obey if it is in such control of itself. The Sorcerer must break the spirit's form and bind it to some item, in this case the Sorcerer's scepter which is specially prepared to this purpose. This binding, or linking, is done with the spell 'spirit link The remaining presence of the spirit is tied to the scepter in most cases and the Sorcerer is able to use its powers for his own uses. If the spirit gains too much freedom the link may break and the spirit is able to regain its corporeal form.

++ Commands

The Sorcerers' spells are mostly commands for the spirits. There are four different kinds of a command: command for benevolent spirit, command for neutral spirit, command for malevolent spirit and command for multiple spirits. You can check your commands with 'sorc_cmd status Benevolent spirits are able to control the environment around them, therefore most of their powers come from controlling winds, if the caster is inside the strength of the spells effect is naturally smaller: there just isn't so much wind around to move. The neutral spirits' commands and spells effect mostly the caster, these allow the Sorcerer to move the spirit's presence inside the caster's body and therefore enhancing the abilities the caster is possessing. These mostly help in resistancing different attacks. The malevolent spirit's commands force the spirit to take partially corporeal form which is forced to attack every living in the room. These spells deal great amounts of physical damage, the power of the effect depends of the amount of freedom the spirit has gained. If it gains to much freedom the link will break. The multispirit commands force the spirits to work in unison, in this case only the benevolent and the neutral can do so.

++ Upkeep

If you have a spirit linked it has an upkeep which drains some spellpoints from you in small intervals. You can negate this effect with allocating your spirit upkeep links with command 'sorc_cmd allocate If the amount of allocated link points is enough the spirit will not take sp's with the upkeep. If the caster commands the spirit to do something, the raised link drain will require higher link allocation and it will drain sp's from the caster if one can't get one's links high enough. The fiercer the command is the more it will drain. Malevolent spirits also drain hp's from caster, keeping their links intact is more strenuous for body than with other spirits. The Sorcerer may lower and even remove the hp drain with skill 'pain threshold The Sorcerer must allocate the links again every time the scepter is removed, the scepter is the channel between the caster and the spirits and removing it will break the concentration

+ Energy type spells

++ Vortex

The Sorcerer is able to use the energy manipulation skills in many different ways. The most usual way is to ensnare spirits, but one can summon regenerative vortexes, vortexes which identify the living beings' energy traces, vortexes which open in the wrong direction and may confuse the enemies and even translocate small objects to other players.

++ Seize the day

Seize the day is the ultimate command for Sorcerers. It is more like an energy type spell than any normal command, it opens pathways to other planes and from the pathways come beings which habitate those planes. They are unable to move their complete powers to this plane and they will drain some spellpower from the upkeeper of the vortex when they take more corporeal form to hit any opponents around.

+ Masteries

++ Word of command

This is the most powerful mastery the sorcerer may possess, it allows the sorcerer to perform his commands with stonger effect, the effect will last 'till the spell ends. Along with that the mastery has several hidden effects.

++ Pressure control

This mastery helps the Sorcerer to maintain spirit links and raises the amount of link points, along with several other effects.

++ Power over type spirits

These masteries enhances the Sorcerers control over single spirit type, they have huge role when commanding spirits. They are also main factor of critical effects on the spells.

++ Mysteries of energy manipulation

This mastery has a great role in every energy based spell, as well as with many spirit - based spell.

++ Dominate realm of element

These masteries affect mainly the spell 'seize the day They have a huge role when determinating the power of the monster the caster is able to conjure from another realms through the portals. They are also the main factor in critical effects the monster may acquire.

+ Secondary Guild

++ General information

All the things sorcerous, of the lesser path.

++ Stats

> size smaller**{{@@,--------------------------------------------------.@@ > @@| Levels: 15| Bonus obtained |@@ > @@+--------------------------------------------------+@@ > @@| 1 | a little amount of wisdom |@@ > @@| 2 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| 3 | a little amount of constitution |@@ > @@| 4 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| 5 | a little amount of strength |@@ > @@| 6 | Regeneration Hp: 1 |@@ > @@| 7 | a little amount of constitution |@@ > @@| 8 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| 9 | a little amount of intelligence |@@ > @@| 10 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| 11 | a little amount of strength |@@ > @@| 12 | Regeneration Hp: 1 |@@ > @@| 13 | a little amount of strength |@@ > @@| 14 | Regeneration Sp: 1 |@@ > @@| 15 | a little amount of wisdom |@@ > @@+--------------------------------------------------+@@}}**/size

++ Skills/Spells

> size smaller**{{@@,---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---.@@ > @@| Skill name | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15|@@ > @@+---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+@@ > | [[[avoid hits]]]@@ | 5| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2|@@ > | [[[block]]]@@ | 5| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2|@@ > | [[[command spirit]]]@@ | 14| +4| +4| +4| +4| +4| +4| +4| +4| +4| +4| +4| +4| +4| +4|@@ > | [[[heavy armours]]]@@ | 5| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2|@@ > | [[[medium armours]]]@@ | 5| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2| +2|@@ > | [[[pierce air ward]]]@@ | 13| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3|@@ > | [[[pierce earth ward]]]@@ | 13| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3|@@ > | [[[pierce fire ward]]]@@ | 13| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3|@@ > | [[[pierce water ward]]]@@ | 13| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3| +3|@@ > | [[[spirit lore]]]@@ | 14| +4| +4| +4| +4| +4| +4| +4| +4| +4| +4| +4| +4| +4| +4|@@ > @@`---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---'@@ > @@,---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---.@@ > @@| Spell name | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15|@@ > @@+---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+@@ > | [[[burn's torment]]]@@ | 5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5|@@ > | [[[eventide's torment]]]@@ | 5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5|@@ > | [[[mirror's visage]]]@@ | 14| +6| +6| +6| +6| +6| +6| +6| +6| +6| +6| +6| +6| +6| +6|@@ > | [[[nascent's torment]]]@@ | 5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5|@@ > | [[[tainted's torment]]]@@ | 5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5| +5|@@ > @@`---------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---'@@}}**/size

++ Requirements

  • At least at level 50.
  • Not member of guild:
* Conclave of Sorcerers

++ Location

Adjacent island to the main guild.