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Revision as of 21:31, 13 June 2019 by Cyto (talk | contribs)
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To report not only bugs but also typos and suggesting ideas (in a way they will stick), you need create an account to Mantis.

Mantis can be found from here:

Create an user to Mantis with the same name as your Icesus character (e.g. if my Icesus character's name is Cyto, I create an account named 'cyto' to Mantis).

Once your Mantis user is created, then paste this the line below to Icesus:

accounts I want my Mantis account activated.

Once you get a positive reply, your account is active.

Below is described how to create a bug report, a typo report and a idea report in a way that it has the best chances of getting done.

All report types below require you to login to Mantis first.

Creating a bug report

Click on "report issue":

Report issue.png

Enter issue details:

Issue details.png

Select Category: bug

Creating a typo report

Report issue.png
Issue details.png

Select Category: typo

Creating a new idea

Report issue.png
Issue details.png

Select Category: idea