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 An explanation  of some of  the properties you can adjust to
 make the game more enjoyable for you. Also read the specific
 help for each of the command mentioned  here, eg 'help term'

'term'  -       This sets what terminal emulation and screen size you
                use. If your terminal supports colour, 'term ansi' is
                recommended. Size of your screen is set with
                'term <columns>x<rows>', eg 'term 80x20'. 
                Icesus tries to automatically detect your terminal
                and screen size each time you log on. You can toggle
                this feature on and off with 'term autodetect'.
                If something messes up your screen, try typing

'colour' -      Use 'colour on' to quickly enable colours for you.

'lite' -        With this very useful command you can bring colour
                into your world! Use it to lite channels, say messages,
                monsters and so on.
                Ex. 'lite channel ice cyan'
                    'lite monster yellow'
                    'lite woundedmonster red'

'alias' -       With aliases you can make shortcuts for often used commands.
                Ex: 'alias foo say Hello everyone!'. After this, typing
                'foo' does the same as typing 'say Hello everyone!'.
                The aliases which everyone needs most have been pre-defined
                as global aliases. Type 'alias -global' to see these.

'nickname' -    Nicknames substitute one text for another. They cannot
                function as commands, however; use 'alias' for that.
                People usually use nicknames for their friends' names
                etc, so they don't have to type long and complicated
                names all the time. 
                Ex 'nickname neu neurotico' would then allow you to do
                ex 'tell neu Your help-documents rock!'
prompt  -       Actually set with the 'set'-command (see below), but very
                often asked about. To change your prompt, ie the text
                shown at the beginning of each line signifying the mud
                is ready to accept input, type 'set prompt <new_prompt>'. 
                The arguments accepted in the prompt can be seen with
                'help prompt'. Example:
                'set prompt Hp:[hp]/[maxhp] Sp:[sp]/[maxsp] Exp:[exp] >'

'battle' -      A very important command with which you can set many
                combat settings, most importantly your combat point
                assignments. Read the help about the command and the
                further helps mentioned there. And remember to check and
                set your combat point assignments.

'mon'   -       This is a monitor which informs you every time your
                hp, sp or ep changes by 15 points or more. You can toggle
                monitoring on and off just by typing 'mon'. If you are in
                a party, you can use 'mon party' to toggle on and off
                party reporting. When on, changes in your hp/sp/ep will
                be reported over the party channel to the whole party.

'wimpy' -       Very important, especially for beginning adventurers.
                Used as 'wimpy <wimpylevel>', see 'help wimpy' for the
                accepted arguments for wimpylevels. When wimpy is set,
                you will automatically try to flee from a battle when
                your hit points drop too low.

'brief' -       Toggles your verbosity setting. In brieff mode, you will
                only see the short, one-line description of a room
                you enter. In verbose mode you will see the long

'battle -v' -   Changes your battle verbosity level, ie how much
                information you will see about an ongoing battle
                you are taking part in.

'keep'  -       The 'keep'-command allows you to ensure you do not
                accidentally sell, drop or give away some object(s) you
                are carrying.

'snoopable' -   This is by default off. If you set it on, any wizard in
                the game will be allowed to snoop you, ie monitor you
                so that they see exactly the same as your character does
                and what you type. Allowing wizards to snoop you can be
                helpful in demonstrating how some bug works, for example.
                You are not required to set yourself as snoopable at
                any time if you do not want to, even if a wizard would
                insist so.
                Archwizards and higher can snoop you regardless of your

'ignore' -      The 'ignore'-command allows you to ignore all channelmessages
                and tells from a player, or from players below a certain 
                level. It makes a list of all players you have decided to
                ignore. If you are being spammed or harassed by some player,
                report this to the wizards.

'friends' -     With this you can add players to your friends-list.
                Typing 'friends' shows who of your friends are on.
                You can also use "friends" as a target for tells, thus
                sending a message to all your friends at once. It is also
                used in 'set inform', see below.

'passwd' -      This allows you to change your password.

'chfn'  -       With this command you can update the information shown
                to admins only when they finger you, ie name, e-mail
                address and phonenumber. NOTE: you can also set a
                www-homepage address with this; this information will
                be shown to all players.

'set'   -       The 'set'-command is used to set several different
                properties. Read 'help set' for a list. The most
                used are:
                  - 'set prompt <prompt>'. This was explained above. 
                  - 'set delim <character>'. This sets the character
                     you can use to input multiple commands at once.
                     Ex if you do 'set delim ;' you can the type
                     'north;smile;south' to go north, smile, and go
                     back south.
                  -  'set inform <all|friends>'. If you have this set
                     to "all", you will be informed whenever a player
                     enters or leaves the game. Setting it to "friends"
                     will show this only if the player is on your
                     friends-list (see 'friends' above and 'help friends').
                  -  'set typomessages'. Toggles between random and
                     the default 'What?' typomessage.
                  -  'set keepalive'. This enables 'KEEP-ALIVE' messages
                     to be sent to you periodically to keep your connection
                     up if it is prone to disconnect on idle.