Teaching of elements

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This mysterious place offers the teachings of elements to all of those who are already talented in one of the elemental lores, as the carvings on the room, eventhough they are visible to everyone, need some talent, time and lots of careful studying to comprehend their true meanings. It is rumoured that only through learning lore of all elements a priest can truly become close to his deity but many of the priests think those who learn the lore of other deities as heretics.


| Levels:  2|             Bonus obtained           |
|     1     | a little amount of wisdom            |
|     2     | a little amount of constitution      |


| Skill name                      |  1|  2|
| lore of elements                | 50|100|
| Spell name                      |  1|  2|
| aspect of elements              | 50|100|
| gift of elements                | 50|100|
| purify soul                     | 50|100|


  • You must pass 1 out of the following:
* Guild: Guidance of the blind seer at level 1
* Guild: Voice of the goddess at level 1
* Guild: Highpriests of Earth at level 1
* Guild: High Priests of Air at level 1


Near Graemor.