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Syntax: unit
Use this command to operate provinces units.
Generic syntax: unit <unit name> do <command> [to <param1> units <param2>]

Available commands:
unit <unit name> do report
  will make the unit report in to you.
unit <unit name> do allied
  will make the unit report its allied to you.
unit <unit name> do discharge
  when you are in province, and your unit's allied code matches with province,
  you can use this command to relieve your unit from duty into one of vacant 
  bays in the province. Use 'listbays' to see all available bays in a province.
unit <unit name> do setac[1-9] to <0-9|A-F>
  you can change the allied code of the unit. input new allied code using setac
  and when its correctly inputted, do...
  example: unit caravan do setac1 to 7
  see also: Use command 'alliance' to set your personal allied code in order
  to get proper clearance to interact with your units.
unit <unit name> do changeac
  ...and the inputted new allied code will take over the old one. The old code 
  will no longer be valid so be careful not to lose control of your unit.
unit <unit name> do leave
  when your unit is in a province, use this command to leave the province to OW.
unit <unit name> do enter
  when your unit is in the outworld, use this command to enter a province.
unit <unit name> do <west|east|north|south|northeast...>
  set the marching direction of unit to a specific direction.
unit <unit name> do stop
  make your unit stop marching.
unit <unit name> do march[1-10]
  example: unit caravan do march7
  make your unit march at specified speed. NOTE: Marching consumes your unit's
  food, and the faster the unit marches, the more food it consumes!
  NOTE: Units without food can no longer move, and units don't save over boot
  so be VERY careful in not running out of food in the outworld!
unit <unit name> do staff
  your units need to be properly staffed to function. do this command in a
  province before you start using it. Your unit staff comes from your servants.
unit <unit name> do loadcargo to <amount of units> units <unit type>
  this command will make your unit load cargo from province if unit and
  province allied codes match. available unit types: gold, food, iron, wood, 
  crystal, infantry, servants, arrows, supplies, ore.
  example: unit caravan do loadcargo to 10 units supplies
unit <unit name> do unloadcargo to <amount of units> units <unit type>
  this command will make your unit unload cargo from unit to province if
  unit and and province allied codes match. available unit types: gold, 
  food, iron, wood, crystal, infantry, servants, arrows, supplies, ore.
  example: unit caravan do unloadcargo to 10 units supplies
unit <unit name> do dropcargo to <amount of units> units <unit type>
  this command will put a defined amount of cargo into a crate and drop
  the crate for some other unit to scoop up.
unit <unit name> do jettisoncargo
  make your unit put all its moveable cargo into a crate, and leave the
  crate behind. This happens automatically on unit's death (so raiding 
  an unit will pay off - but you need to have your own unit ready for
  picking up the abandoned cargo, with sufficient room available).
unit <unit name> do scoop
  if there is a cargo crate in the same location with the unit, which
  often happens when another is either destroyed or jettisons its cargo,
  use this command to scoop up contents of cargo crates into your unit.
unit <unit name> do peace
  set your unit to peaceful mode - which means if the unit encounters 
  another unit with different allied code, there will not be a fight.
unit <unit name> do aggro
  set your unit to aggro mode - which means if the unit encounters 
  another unit with different allied code, the unit will be attacked at sight.
unit <unit name> do controller to <player>
  set your unit's controller to be some specific player. your unit will 
  report to this player if reportingdelay is something else than off.
unit <unit name> do reportdelay to <high|normal|low|off>
  set your unit's reporting delay if controller has been set. set this to 
  off if you want to toggle reporting off.
unit <unit name> do dispatch to <hero ID>
  make a hero in the unit to dispatch into action. IDs are in unit report.
unit <unit name> do rift to <dir>
  make a unit capable of rifting rift to direction. each rift consumes 50
  units of food.
unit <unit name> do contacts
  make a scan of your unit's surroundings. This will detect only other 
  provinces units which are active in the outworld, if they are within 
  detection range.
unit <unit name> do lock to <target ID>
  lock a target by its ID e.g. CYT. (see 'help provinces')
  you can see your available targets and IDs using contacts command.
unit <unit name> do scan
  you can scan a locked target for more information using this command.
unit <unit name> do intercept
  Toggle interception of locked target enabled/disabled (see 'help provinces')
unit <unit> do setwaypoint to <waypoint slot> units <X,Y>
  Set waypoints for your unit (see 'help provinces')
unit <unit> do lockwaypoint to <waypoint slot>
  Lock current waypoint of your unit (see 'help provinces')
unit <unit> do clearwaypoint
  Unlock current waypoint of your unit (see 'help provinces')
unit <unit> do autopilot
  Toggle autopilot enabled/disabled (see 'help provinces')
unit <unit name> do kill to <target>
  make the unit attack a specific target.
unit <unit name> do alchemy to <amount of resources to convert>
  some units are able to convert resources (iron, wood, crystal) into 
  something else. load the unit with resources and use this command to 
  perform alchemy. 
unit <unit> do disembark to <troops> units <sector>
  when in battlefield, use this command to deploy troops (=servants) 
  from your unit to a battlefield sector.
unit <unit> do embark to <troops> units <sector>
  when in battlefield, use this command to withdraw troops (=servants) 
  from your unit to a battlefield sector.
unit <unit> do loot to <amount of units> units <resource type>
  when in battlefield, use this command to loot currently available
  battlefield resources to your unit. The battle must be in aftermath.
unit <unit name> do sweep
  this command will make your unit use its weapons to destroy any kind of 
  battlements including palisades and mantis webs nearby. the unit must 
  weapons for this command to work.
unit <unit name> do fortify to <amount of arrows to use>
  this command will make your unit build palisades to prevent enemy 
  from traversing through the area. your ranged weapons arrows will be 
  consumed in the process.