Venom ward

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Casting process is verbal.

Intelligence, Wisdom and Scourge help in casting this spell.

Affiliated stats:

Primary: wisdom
Secondary: intelligence
Tertiary: constitution

Venom ward is one of Coven's most destructive spells. It converts the magic inside the caster's body into pure, strong, magical poison. It can be used in four ways: if casted at a target, it compresses the magic into a single, high-energy sphere of poison which is projected at the target. If casted with the suffix 'at enemies' it conjures a high wall of poison which travels towards the caster's opponents and curls around them into a deadly embrace, the damage depending on the amount of opponents: the more there are the thinner the wall of poison is. The third way is to cast it at a party member, if used so it creates a thin veil of energy around the target which raises natural resistance against poison by a great deal. The fourth way is to cast it at yourself, by doing so it allows the magic inside your body to flow out and form a vaporous cloud of poison fumes around you. The fumes may cause severe disorientation at the attacker if he gets too close. The close contact to the magical poison has also a secondary effect: it may convert damage taken from poison to mental energy.