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Usage: who [ mort | wiz | dead | guild <gname/share/playername> |
         element <elementname/share> |
           partying | notpartying | female | male | neuter |
           min <lvl> | max <lvl> | party <plr> | race <race/share> |
         short | isidle | unidle | idle | available | unavailable | friends |
         kingdom <share/kingdom> | unidle <channel>]

Guild search is dependant on use of aliases. Do 'who guild' to see all
Mainguild aliases are: air_priest, earth_priest, fire_priest, mage, scions,
army, ranger, templar, shadowdancer, shapeshifter, sorcerer, coven,
psionicist, master_artisans, monk, water_priest, wilder.
Kingdom aliases are: valkor, graemor and none.
All options work together so you can do a
'who min 10 max 20 guild mage party tumi race spell_weaver'
to find out who are the level 10-20 spell weaver mages in Tumi's party.