Black leather leggings with shades of blue on them

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Equipment info

Armour slot(s): 2 legs

Also known as:

Prestige information:

Acquired from: Weloq, the master of ranger candidates

A pair of well oiled black, mithril studded leather leggings that have translucent blue spots and stripes on them. 
A closer examination reveals them to be remarkably tough, yet amazingly flexible. 
In other words, stylish top quality studded leather leggings.

Identification report(MK2):

It is made of mithril, and it is worn on 2 legs.
Its type is studded, and it has a minimal armour class (ac).
It is of marvelous quality.
It has a basic positive effect (2) on your attack speed.
It has a basic positive effect (2) on your defensive promptness.
It has a basic positive effect (2) on your hardiness against mighty foes.
It has a basic positive effect (4) on your endurance point regeneration.
It has an average positive effect (3) on tapping into your heroic potential.
It has a basic positive effect (2) on your special hit chance.
It offers somewhat more (50) protection.
It has a considerable positive effect (4) on your dexterity.
It has a basic positive effect (4) on your hit point regeneration.