Craft lure

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Affiliated stats:

       Primary: dexterity
     Secondary: wisdom
      Tertiary: intelligence

This skill is learnable by doing up to 100%.

This skill can be used without having any training in it.

Fishing is all in all a fairly simple skill to learn. Mastering it, however, is another matter. Expert fishers are known to take a great deal of variables into consideration while making decisions about fishing. To name but a few of these, the location, the specific fish the fisher wants and weather, are something experienced fishers need to think about. Obviously time and weather cannot be altered normally, while the location can be. It has been known for ages that fish react to different kinds of glimmering objects. Until recently even the most experienced fishers haven't been able to utilize the knowledge. The skill of lure crafting is first real attempt to take advantage of different kinds of methods to annoy or attract certain fish species. You can craft lures in a location with good natural supply of wood and possibly different kinds of weeds. You will need a dagger or a knife and a sturdy hook. It's no good to use a small hook for a sturgeon lure, you will need a large one. Astug the fisherman is known to sell a variety of fishing hooks. Craftsmanship is known to have an effect on the quality of the lures.

        use craft lure at <fish> in <location>

In addition to normal fish types, you can use: small fish, medium fish and large fish Location types are: pond, river, deep river, lake and ice.