Halo of energy

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Affiliated stats:

       Primary: intelligence
     Secondary: charisma
      Tertiary: wisdom

This simple energy based spell allows the caster to summon a simple halo of darkness or light around the scepter's ramskull. The spell is stackable, it may be casted several times to make it more effective. You can check the halo's status with command 'check halo' and disperse the halo with command 'disperse halo'. If the halo is darkness halo and you are casting the spell at light, it actually makes the halo a bit more brighter, or may even turn it to light halo and vice versa. The syntaxes are simple. 'cast halo of energy at darkness' and 'cast halo of energy at light'. The amount of light and darkness energy around is quite infinite but there is a limit the scepter can withstand around it.

This spell is related to elemental Magic.