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Casting process is verbal.

Intelligence, Wisdom and Enticement help in casting this spell.

Affiliated stats:

      Primary: charisma
    Secondary: intelligence
     Tertiary: wisdom

Magnetize allows those who are leaders of their party to charm all their party members. The charm is quite harmless, it makes the caster to seem like a much greater leader than he actually is. It urges the members of his party to try to prove themselves in his eyes, this results in increased quickness in combat, those who are dedicated to offense melee quicker and with better accuracy, those who are keeping their fellow members safe defend better and those who unleash the destructive magics upon their foes perform a bit quicker. But this is not the only purpose of the charm. The charm allows the caster to tap into the members' mental strength, to form a collective mind of a kind and drain the members' intelligence and wisdom, using them for his own purposes. Furthermore the caster is able to drain some energy from the collective mind and use it to regain his sp's The strength of the collective mind boosts the first effect, the more the caster drains wisdom and intelligence the more the members are affected by the urge to prove themselves to the caster.


 cast magnetize at low        - minimal effect.
 cast magnetize at normal     - normal effect.
 cast magnetize at high       - maximal effect.
 cast magnetize at drain <x>
          low                 - drain low amount of sp's.
          normal              - drain normal amount of sp's.
          high                - drain high amount of sp's.
 cast magnetize at halt       - stop the effect.