Refit armour

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Endurance point cost: 55.

Affiliated stats:

       Primary: strength
     Secondary: wisdom
      Tertiary: dexterity

Refit armour is a skill that resizes non reinforced armours. All you need to have is your trusty hammer and a forge. As the guild supplies any materials that is required they have decreed a surcharge on all resizing. This fee is somewhat less though than the any npc smith. The syntax:

'use refit armour at <item> for <race>'
'use refit armour at check <item> for <race>'

For example:

'use refit armour at hauberk for gnome'
'use refit armour at check hauberk for gnome'

If no race is given it will default to your race.

'use refit armour at cuirass'