Ripple in reality

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Casting process is somatic.

Intelligence, Wisdom and Spellbinding help in casting this spellbindable spell.

Affiliated stats:

          Primary: wisdom
          Secondary: dexterity
          Tertiary: strength

This spellbindable spell is offensive.

By mastering the arts of channeling, spellbinding and elemental lore highpriests of water learned certain truths about the magical fabric of the world. With that knowledge they were able to devise a spellbinding spell that could affect this fabric, which many believe to be the closest to elemental gods' power any mere mortal should be allowed go. The spell was meant for good but the end result was a devastating weapon of total destruction. Toying with the elemental forces ended up into ripple-like effect that flowed through the fabric of reality instantly killing and disintegrating all living things that came across. Dumbfounded by the sheer power of their godly magic highpriests locked up all knowledge of the spell and only the most highest ranking highpriests of the priesthood of Water were ever allowed to study and wield its massive power. Many of them wanted switch to seal it for good as repeated use of the spell could have devastating results in beyond mortal undestanding but times of peril have forced the priesthood to turn to its power and use it against their enemies again and again. This spell is related to elemental Water.