Seize the day

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Affiliated stats:

       Primary: wisdom
     Secondary: intelligence
      Tertiary: strength

This spell is offensive.

This spell is the sorcerers' ultimate tool, the last resort when everything else fails. It is used when there is need to take a hold of the situation, sacrificing the one's whole being to be a tool of magic. This spell origins to those days the sorcerers were still servants of the now lost god of magic, it was the greatest prayer and form of service one could provide for one's own god. Nowadays it has been though a great reform so that one may draw the same powers by controlling the spirits, the minions and pets of the fallen god. It allows the caster to use both neutral and benevolent spirit at the same time, forcing them to open five portals, such portals that if they aren't controlled properly they will endanger the whole plane of existence. The portals open pathways from the other five planes to this one and vice versa. From the portals the caster, or actually the caster's spirits are able to ensnare creatures from those planes. Or actully not complete creatures, but only some aspects of them, their presence rather than their complete strength and corporeal form, the nature of those creatures is such that even one roaming freely in the valley would create great havoc and destruction. There may be only one set of portals in each room, if there are two casters, the other caster joins the other in the upkeeping, sharing most of the costs and the more casters there are the greater are the monsters which can be ensnared through the portals. If one of the casters want to relinquish their upkeep of the portals the caster must cast the spell again, if the spell is halted the portals start to disappear, no matter who the commander was. The first caster is always the owner of the portals, if the first relinquishes the holt then the second takes the responsibility to upkeep it. If there are no casters left the portals start to vanish, also drawing every monster towards them.

Luckily the monsters want to escape back to their own dimensions rather than trying to break free of the casters bond and attacking the casters. At the beginning when the portals come to exist they will most likely draw one monster with them, after that there is chance to draw another one, and a smaller chance to ensnare third and so on, there is no limit how many monster there may be though the upkeep and magic consumption naturally grows with every monster. There is a small upkeep at keeping the portals intact and along with that a small drain every time one of the monsters deal damage: they must take partially corporeal form at the time they strike their opponent, otherwise their ethereal claws would just strike though them, without damaging anything. The more monsters there are the more cost effective the spell is.

The sorcerers are naturally unaffected by this spell, the monster home by energy patterns every living being leaves behind, and the sphere of warding will protect other players from it. Trying to cast other benevolent or neutral spell will probably break the spell, the confusion the commanding a new spell will break the spirits' delicate concentration of the upkeeping and maintaining the portals and therefore breaking the portals.

This spell is related to elemental Magic.