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Affiliated stats:

       Primary: strength
     Secondary: dexterity
      Tertiary: constitution

This skill is learnable by doing up to 90%.

This is the generic battle maneuver taught to every advanced offensive fighter. In its simplest form this maneuver is used to deliver a devastating blow with your primary weapon, but experienced fighters know how to turn the angle of their blade to cut deep wounds, or to stun their opponents. The ability to strike well depends on many factors: your weapon, strength, dexterity and skill in handling your weapon, as well as your knowledge of the maneuver. The ones skillful in striking mighty blows, stunning, injuring and wounding are more than deadly opponents. It is said that striking with a two-handed weapon, or when using a shield in other hand, can be extremely effective occasionally, especially for professional soldiers. The syntax for using the maneuver:

       battle -m strike   --   the most simple way
      battle -m strike at to stun -- random opponent, special effect
       battle -m strike at <target> <effect>, where effect
       is one of the following 'to injure', 'to wound' or 'to stun'.
       For example: battle -m strike at rabbit to stun
       Without the effect argument your chance to succeed increases,
       as you do not attempt any fancy moves.