Wipe tracks

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Affiliated stats:

      Primary: wisdom
    Secondary: dexterity
     Tertiary: intelligence

Wiping your tracks behind you can save your life, as many creatures can follow the tracks you leave behind and follow you, launching a surprise attack as you lie asleep next to the campfire. Wiping tracks is not usually a slow operation, but trying to wipe the tracks of your entire adventuring party can be just that. The syntax:

 'use wipe tracks at <direction/'all'> <player/'party'>(optional)'


'use wipe tracks at south', 'use wipe tracks at north party', 'use wipe tracks at all morgatai'

The 'all' option will only let you wipe tracks that lead from your current location to elsewhere. In order to remove all traces of your presence, you must also wipe the new tracks that are made when you move on.