Shield of eyes

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Revision as of 23:38, 14 October 2020 by Tyril (talk | contribs) (added desc and prestige info)
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Equipment info

Weapon type: tower shield

Also known as:

Prestige information: Non-prestigious

Damage type(s): physical

Acquired from: Ariaxum C'haracour, the guardian of oblivion

What a peculiar item. It is like the thinnest sheet of iceron, the surface is crystal-clear but the darkness inside is really frighening. As you look at it, eyes seem to stare back, eyes without head or body, just floating in and out of your vision inside the shield's rim. Where could those eyes be, certainly not behind the thin plate. Strange item. It looks like some sort of bludgeoning weapon used like a shield. It most closely resembles a tower shield. It is of great quality, and it is in perfect condition. It seems small and a bit heavy.

Identification report (MK1):

It is made of iceron, and it is a tower shield.

It makes physical damage.

It is very easy to use.

It is of great quality.

It has a major positive effect (5) on your intelligence.

It deals considerably more (16) damage.

It is considerably easier (16) to hit with.

It hits considerably faster (16) than usual.

It doesn't interfere with spellcasting rituals.

It feels hypnotic.

It contains rejuvenative abilities, which manifest themselves at nightime.

Identification report (MK2):