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The Children of Light

The Children of Light is the collective name for those people in the Icesus valley who live in the Kingdom of Valkor, within the sphere of influence of the Church of Elements. It includes humans, elves and dwarves, though there are smaller numbers (less than 5%) of orcs and goblins.

There is a rigid social structure within the Church which comprises three classes: the Templars who are the ruling class, the Sectarians who preach the faith of the Church of Elements, and the common people who perform all the labour. In theory, the three groups are bound together by their faith in their elemental gods. In practice, the only unifying factor is that they all belong to the kingdom of Valkor. This treatise will look at each of the three groups in turn.

To understand the reach of the Children of Light, it is necessary to understand the geography and politics of the Kingdom of Valkor.

Geography (and Politics) of the Kingdom of Valkor


Geographically, the Kingdom of Valkor, occupies the northwest area of the Icesus valley - the lands conquered by the Templars over the past 2 generations. But the Children of Light continue to live in the southern, more easily cultivated, lands and the Church and Templars hold the greatest power and influence close to the capital city of Vaerlon.

To the north, the new doctrines and customs give room to traditional Eskaran ways. The map shows that Valkor claims the northern provinces, but it is actually unclear where the lands of pagans begin. Certainly the Eskaran pagans living in the northern forests do not respect the division of land made by the Templars, and rebel groups from Eskara continue to fight even today. The other pagan groups of Gaestatis and Wilders move about as they please.