The climate in the world of Icesus is very cold. The valley where we are living is surrounded by ice. The glacier rises up to 500 meters at the border of the valley.
At the top of the valley is a magical forcefield - who created it and why - who knows? (remember to read 'help world history') Anyways, it's magical and creates a greenhouse effect to the valley.
The heat coming from outside the valley from the sun (there is only one sun, and six moons (Lhundaer, Aythzilla, Aqueous, Infernus, Sorcerus, Chto) is not enough, but there are volcanoes at the valley, which produce the needed extra heat. Currently, the ground is very volcanic, and there are three major volcanoes visible.
The flora of Icesus could best be described as "Scandinavian". Between the two extremes of the nature - the glaciers on the outer edges (Iceland), through volcanoes, fertile fields and forests (Mid-Sweden) - lies normal Scandinavian nature. If you want to know what it looks like in the great elven forests up north you can look at the forests in the middle to north parts of Finland, and if you wonder what kind of scenery meets your eyes near Hgulh, take a look at the mountains in the southern parts of Norway.
The fauna of this valley is Scandinavian and medieval/fantasy theme. Typical animals are mammals and birds, such as rabbits, foxes, mooses and falcons. Also all fantasy elements are there, like undeads, dreads and so on. Use your imagination and keep in mind that it is cold out there - so kangaroos are not going to survive.
Idles, (C) 1995-1999
On the origin of species, according to Icesus
Biomes are regions in Icesus with varying geographical features, flora, heights, temperatures, humidity ratings, and sky and foliage colors. Biomes separate the world of Aegic into different environments, such as forests, jungles, deserts, and taigas. The landmass of Aegic has been divided into 144 unique biomes. The biome types are listed below.
Biome types
Arctic biomes are low on temperature and low on food. This limits the size of both flora and fauna. No snakes.
Cool biomes attract occasional visitors from arctic regions in search of food. No snakes.
Boreal biomes host rugged life, and the animal life offers opportunities for an occasional apex predator.
Temperate biomes are rich in life and attract temporary visitors from all other biomes as opportunities are plentiful.
While warmth of planet Aegic is a relative concept, there are biomes which are clearly warmer than others. Warm biomes are infested with vermin as high availability of food combines to higher ambient temperature.
The wildlife
A vast number of unique creatures inhabit the biomes of Aegic. The system is 'alive' - for example, if the conditions of a biome change, the creatures will migrate accordingly. For example, if the temperature of an arctic biome rises, e.g. polar bears will leave the biome. The ecosystem of each biome is unique. For example, any wildlife you encounter in swamp A might not be the same composition of wildlife you will encounter in swamp B. That's the wonder of biomes - you can actually get to learn your forests and swamps, for their unique fauna and flora. You know where to find the best red deer. You know which forest has brownies and which has not. You know that if the balance of ecosystem changes, these areas will change accordingly. The biomes depend on a lot of environmental factors, both geographical, provincial and even celestial. And as e.g. moon states persist over boot, do not expect to see all creatures there are to see during one boot. Depending on the current unique conditions of the environment, you might need to wait over the boot, or even two boots, to find what you're looking for. Some creatures will not come out before it is night. Know that especially old dragons are rare, and there might be boots during which they are not found from anywhere at all. The categorization of creatures, with some important remarks, is listed below.
You can help the wildlife reserach by spotting creatures - see 'help spot' in game. For each creature you haven't seen before, you are able to spot, you will get experience and divine favor. It works just like explore count, but with any new creatures you see and are able to spot. The categorization of creatures from all biomes is listed below. Note that whenever you look at a creature, you will see into which category it belongs to.
Animals is a broad category of wildlife. Animals are mostly non-magical. The amount of animal wildlife correlates with environment temperature and abundance of food.
Bears are the carnivorous animals from family ursidae. They include e.g. black bears, brown bears and polar bears. They are considered as mascots of the Icesus world.
Canines are wolves, dogs, hyenas, foxes etc. They are carnivorous.
Felines are cat-like predators such as lions, tigers, panthers, ocelots, etc. Felines are mostly non-magical. The amount of feline wildlife correlates with environment temperature and abundance of food.
Horses are our non-magical equestrian friends who are used as mounts for traveling, for war, and for cargo hauling. This category includes e.g. mules, ponies, and of course, horses of various breeds.
Amphibians thrive in humid and warm environments. Some of them employ poisons as their defense. This category includes mainly frogs.
Mustelidae, also known as 'marten animals', the fur of these non-magical ferocious creatures is in high demand for luxury wear. This category includes e.g. martens, wolverines, badgers, minks, etc.
Snakes are a subcategory of animals. Contains both poisonous and non-poisonous snakes alike. Snakes do not carry any money, but poisonous snakes can be harvested for their venom glands. Snakes tend to get more poisonous the more warm and humid the environment is. Extremely dangerous snakes in the world are: black mamba (temperate and warm biomes both night and day), taipan (only warm biomes both night and day). Highly dangerous snakes: cobra (temperate and warm biomes at nights), blue krait (warm biomes at night), tic-polonga (warm biomes at night), saw-scaled viper (temperate and warm biomes both night and day). Both have devastating venom and extremely high mortality rate upon bit. There are no snakes in arctic or cool biomes. Animal lore and rural concealment help you in avoiding snakes. Snakes can be hiding in terrains with thick foliage: s, S, f, F, e, E, d, D, w, W.
This subcategory of animals contains birds of all kinds. Birds do not carry any money.
Beasts are monstrous animals with no to little intelligence of whom some may be magical, e.g. bulettes, basilisks, hydras. The amount of beasts correlates with environment temperature and abundance of food.
Humanoids are mostly non-magical, some magical, creatures which are in likeness to humans. They usually have two arms, two legs, and a head. This category includes e.g. dwarves, firbolgs, goblins, orcs and ogres. Watch out for crones and hags - they eat humanoids and are healed by each corpse they eat - including yours.
Feys are, often magical, creatures of the forests and woodlands. The more forests in a biome, the greater the likelihood of a strong fey population. Many feys prefer to hide instead of stand and fight. Especially sprites are very cunning - they coat their arrows with sleep inducing substances and when the attacker wakes up, they are gone. This category includes e.g. satyrs, sprites, dryads, nymphs, and many others.
Sometimes magical, mostly natural, they are the creatures of the rivers and lakes and seas. This category includes e.g. merfolk, kelpie, crustaceans, many others. Watch out for chuuls. They are powerful deep water lobster like creatures, which, if they manage to grab you in their both pincers, will try to decapitate you. Electric eels will shock you real good, so better leave them alone as they are not aggro.
Monsters are creatures which are native to Aegic but are endowed with prominent magical properties. They are connected to the magical power of the land their number and strength correlates with the number of magical crystal deposits of the biome. This category includes e.g. manticores, chimeras, basilisks, etc.
Usually non-magical creatures from no intelligence to animal intelligence at most, which are harmful to the societies, and which spread diseases and promote uncleanliness. They thrive wherever there is enough food and warmth. Their high numbers can become a real nuisance in biomes with high temperatures and a lot of food available. They carry with them diseases, which, when caught, will take long time to heal - they feel like ever so slight poisoning, but the feeling will persist. The best way to avoid contracting disease is to not let them touch you - either cleanse them with e.g. fire, or hit them so hard they can't bite you back. Getting rid of vermin is a beneficial act for any society, so killing vermin will give you an occasional karma drop. This category includes e.g. flies, rats, termites, centipedes, etc. Warning: Among the most powerful of the vermin, the 'tunnel worm' is capable of tearing through equipment easily. DO NOT MESS with tunnel worms unless you are ready to get serious equipment damage. They are not aggro. Any losses inflicted by tunnel worms will not be reimbursed.
Read more about vermin and how to make a living by killing them: vermin
Small in numbers. Old dragons are extremely tough and prestigious. Their deadliness is due to their powerful breath weapons which they do not hesitate to use against their enemies. All of them have a reputation so avoid killing good dragons to stay in good terms with kingdoms. This category includes e.g. wyverns, drakes, dracolisks, true dragons, etc.
Undead, the
Always hostile towards life. Immune to psionic powers. Will appear when moons Aythzilla and Sorcerus are strong, and even then mostly at nights. Nightshades are an especially dangerous breed of undeads. They are towering, night-black demonic giants whose arms end in massive blades.
Can be both mobile and immobile and both magical and non-magical. Includes carnivorous plants which are dangerous to humanoids and other lifeforms. Plants are usually vulnerable to fire.
Voracious amoeba like lifeforms with acid based attacks that will eventually damage your equipment. Due to their amorphous nature they are from somewhat to completely resistant to physical attacks. They are invulnerable to psionic powers and asphyxiation because they do not have centralized thinking (brain). If hit, they tend to split into smaller parts. You will not get exp from killing oozes until you have killed all of its parts. The leave no body behind when they die. There are two types of oozes: oozes, jellies and puddings. Puddings are the strongest of oozes, even freakishly strong. Their shotgun like acidic attacks can wear your equipment down faster than in usual combat. Mustard jellies used to be powerful mages who suffered a horrible fate due to polymorphing magic. They still possess spellcasting abilities.
The presence and strength of these creatures depends on power of the corresponding elemental moon. For example, Infernus is the moon of elemental fire. Therefore creatures of elemental fire will not be on Aegic if Infernus is not visible. The higher the moon gets, the stronger the creatures will become. The pure elemental forms leave no corpse behind. The enigmatic Salamander race originates from Infernus.
Strange beings who visit our world from beyond time and space during the rise of moon of elemental magic, the Sorcerus. They are usually very powerful.
Appear only when the moon of anti-life, Chto, is becoming strong. They are bizarre and horrible in their appearance and usually very powerful. They have a ravenous appetite towards every living being. They are always hostile towards life and cause ecological disaster wherever they roam.