Dreamstone amulet

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Equipment info

Armour slot(s): Amulet

Also known as:

Prestige information: Prestigious

Acquired from: Ariaxum C'haracour, the guardian of oblivion

The amulet is an enormous, bluish black stone, attached to silver chain. 
As you glance into the stone there seems to be a constantly swhirling light
blue shape inside it, almost like a wirlpool of some kind. 
The longer you look at it the more difficult it is to break contact with the swirling
It is of superb quality, and it is in perfect condition.
It looks like it would cover your amulet slot.
Aura of prestige surrounds the item.
It seems small and weightless

Identification report (MK1):

It is made of silver, and it is worn as an amulet.
Its type is chain mail, and it has a pitiful armour class (ac).
It is of superb quality.
It has an average positive effect on your intelligence.
It has a considerable positive effect on your willpower.
The amulet will never lose its energy.
The amulet regenerates wearer's psionic strength while sleeping.

Identification report(MK2):

It has an average positive effect (3) on your intelligence.
It has a basic positive effect (2) on your ability to dominate magic.
It has an average positive effect (6) on your spell point regeneration.
It has an average positive effect (3) on your wisdom.
It has a major positive effect (5) on your psionic spells.
The amulet will never lose its energy.
The amulet regenerates wearer's psionic strength while sleeping.